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About Me

Full Name:: Sarah Rochelle Bradshaw
Birthday:: May 2 1988
Birthplace:: Licking County Ohio :D yaaay licking
Eye Color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Brown/Auburnish-I'm like a penny :)
Height:: 5'6"-ish
Weight:: 141
Right handed or Left handed?: Leftie
Your Heritage:: Irish-ish...err european somewhere...lots of stuff...i'm a mixed breed baha
My Worst Habit:: Tweaking out when I'm stressed
Zodiac Sign:: Taurus
Shoe Size:: 9 1/2 US
Pants Size:: 7-9
Innie or Outie?: Innie
Parents Still Together?: Nope
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Rocket Dogs...they're plaid ..and brown..o.o
Your Weakness:: Attentive caring people (haha i don't have much to worry about)
Your Fears:: Condescending people, you scare me and make my stomach hurt
Your Perfect Pizza:: Chicken, white cheeses...MUSHROOMS!!!..caeser dressing instead of pizza nasty ass pepperonis
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Be happier? less confused all the time? what?
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: lol...alot of them are just easier to type out...LAUGH OUT LOUD looks retarded
Thoughts First Waking Up:: aaggghhh why
Your Best Physical Feature:: i hands? o.O
Your Bedtime: : between midnight and 3 am
Your Most Missed Memory:: when i was iddle bitty :)
Favorite color?: Green or Gray
Food?: MEXICAN FOOD!!!! burritoes and fajitas and tacos oh my
Sport?: LOL SPORTS!! hahahahahaha *die*
Animal?: Manatees!!! *hug*
Ice Cream?: i like ice cream...
Candy?: candy with the salt/sugar snickers or something with pretzels in it o.o
Store?: Romancing the Stone
Salad Dressing?: Ranch Ranch Raaaaanch
Actor?: Russell Crowe, Jack Nicholson, Adam Sandler...Robin Williams..don't make me choose
Song?: Right now?...Endlessly by Muse
Letter?: A, D, S (haha i wish i liked 'I' so i could put AIDS..but i don't...)
Number?: 8
Gum?: the regular pink kind or citrus-y gum
Holiday?: Christmas! it's snuggly feeling if it's snowing and you're inside with blankets and cuddly people, and HALLOWWWWWEEEEEENNNN!!!!!! and christmas :D
Season?: Fall or Winter....summer is only good for swimming
Toothpaste Flavor?: PURPLE!
Radio Station?: 106.7..and 96.9!!! WOOOOOOOO jigga jigga what what
Perfume?: Snow Queen mmm smells like incense
Scent besides perfume?: Water (it DOES have a smell lol and it's GOOD) or clean outside air
Body part on the opposite sex?: Eyes, Hands, Mouth
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: A BALLERINA! ^_^
How Do You Want To Die?: old and sexy
Turn ons:: Tallness, Attentive caring-ness, Sarcasm, Humor, people who know when to be empathetic, good listeners, dynamic personalities, people who don't get bored easily
Turn offs:: STENCH!!! Bleeaarrgghhh!!! Rudeness, Ignorance, Overly skinny people
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Elizabeth tries to be me :D but errr...Matt you know you're like me..sorry buddy :P
Who's The Loudest?: CORY!!!!! XD scream for me brrawwrr!!!11oneoneone!!!
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Tara, Matt, Zach, Richard, and Kevin...all make me laugh in different ways... :D
Who Have You Known The Longest?: my daddy...o.o he's my best fwiend ^_^
Who's The Shyist?: i don't really have any shyyyy friends...*bites lip*
When Have You Cried The Most?: I cry alot...STOP ASKING ME *cries*
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: when you know someone loves you enough to not leave you
Worst Feeling?: unrequitted love/like
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: NEW ZEALAND...okay maybe not but i wanna go there...
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: my metabolism..or my ability to understand things easier, or make myself be interested in more things...
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: wtf this question sucks. you want me to think about when i'm going to die?!
Let's walk on the: water XD
Let's look at the: MANATEES!
What a nice: rack you have
Where did all the: fishies go..o.o
Why can't we: make out right now?
Silly, little: twat
Isn't it weird that: i'm still a virgin? BAHAHAAA no
Never under any circumstance: shall i have babies before i'm 25. not even if there is an egg and sperm united inside me. i rill rip it out and eat it :)
I wish: my acne would go away
Everyone has a: BELLYBUTTON! ^_^
I am: blue daba dee daba-die
Been In Love?: yesss
Been To Juvie?: nooo
Mooned Someone?: lol yep
Been Rejected?: sort of..
Ran Away From Home?: no but i have thought about it in the past
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: lol all the time *hip thrust*
Skipped School?: ...uhm i called in sick alot but i wasn't really?...senioritis hit me hard...
Thought About Suicide?: thought about but never considered doing it
Slept Outside?: yep
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: all the time lol, laughing makes me happpyyyy so i cry..wait..did i miss something..?
Cried In School?: yeah
Thrown Up In School?: lol no thank god
Wanted To Be a Model?: yep and still do *poses*
Cheated On Someone?: i cheated in monopoly because i suck at it :D
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: of course
Seen A Dead Body?: yeah
Been Bitched Out?: ...unfortunately
Drank Alcohol?: yeah but just a couple sips, alcohol usually tastes like shit
Smoked?: tried it but it's fucking nasty
Been On Drugs?: like presciption..yer:D
Eaten Sushi?: once..and it was icky..but SOMEONE is trying to make me like it...
Been On Stage?: yeppppp ^_^ me likey deh acting
Gone Skinny Dipping?: YESSS *dances naked*
Shoplifted?: there was this green squeezie frog on the walmart floor and i don't know if it was someone elses or the stores...but it's mine now
Been Drunk?: nope
Been Called A Tease?: yessss *twirls hair in my fingers*
Been Beaten Up?: err define beaten up?
Swear?: damn straight
Sing Well?: i sing alright
Shower Daily?: on some days :)
Want To Go To College?: i'm IN college...but no, i don't want to go, i say it every day 'aahhh i don't wanna go to schooool'
Want To Get Married?: Eventually
Believe In Yourself?: usually, i have some down time
Get Motion Sickness?: every time i push tab on this survey i get a little sicker
Think You Are Attractive?: Some days but sometimes i need a little assurance
Get Along With Your Parents?: One of them
Like Thunderstorms?: Love thunderstorms, hate strong wind (i live in a trailer...that crap is frightening)
Play An Instrument?: i wish? (tried to play clarinet once...yuck..and tried piano and i am just a slow impatient learner)
Own An IPOD?: nooope
Pray?: yes
Go To Church?: when i'm not too sick or tired
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: yep yep ^_^
Keep A Journal/Diary?: yesum
Dance In The Rain?: i looooove it, i even have in my underwear before, i felt very...risque lol riskaaaaeee
Sing In The Shower?: mmhmm
Pepsi or Coke?: shit or dog shit? soda tastes like ass, get me some teaaaa, num num num
McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger King..i have friends who work at mcdonalds and
Single or Group Dates?: errrr they both can be fun
Chocolate or Vanilla?: SHA-KO-LUT
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Straaaawberries
Meat or Veggies?: MEAT MEAT MEEEEAAAATTTTTT RRRRR I'm a carnivore baby
TV or Movie?: Movie, television shows make me nervous
Guitar or Drums?: Guitar..preferably acoustic
Adidas or Nike?: Nike, I'm michael jordan
Chinese or Mexican?: Mexican O.O
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: corn flakes with milke, cheerios without haha compromise
MTV or VH1?: VH1...only because i can go to their website and listen to whateverthefuck i want :)
Blind or Deaf?: both, tons of benefits :)
Boxers or Briefs?: ...oh i prefer boxers, i like to freeball
Do The Splits?: halfway :)
Write With Both Hands?: yessss, but my right one doesn't work as good :D
Whistle?: no i'm a loser
Blow A Bubble?: with what?...oO
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: yesum
Cross Your Eyes?: yup
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: lol yes when i'm feelin retarded
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: the bottom, yeah
Dance?: yesss!! i LOOOUURRVVEEEE dancing ^_^
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: no, i suck at life :)
You Touched:: Zach...or my daddy
You Talked To On The Phone:: Matt
You Instant Messaged:: Kevin
You Hugged:: My daddy
You Yelled At:: i don't really yell at people...i'm just a..yeller or sorts when i speak normally :)
You Played A Sport With:: ...i rode on the stationary cycle in the gym and there were some chicks in there?
Time You Laughed?: like five seconds ago, laughing makes me haaapppyyyy
Time You Cried?: errr last night
Movie You Watched?: pink panther "I WOULD LIKE TO BAI A DAMNBURGER"
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Dragonfruit ice cuuubessss
Joke You Told?: What do you call a cow that has just given birth? Decaffeinated hahahahaahahaha
Song You've Sung?: stupid song in choir with lots of jesus-esque things in it :D
What Can You See Out Your Window?: there are no windows, it's a prison. seriously.
Are You Listening To Music?: if i do rebecca johnsons mom will beat me up
What Are You Wearing?: black stretch dance pants and a blue t-shirt YAY FOR BUM-HOOD
What's On Your Mousepad?: red. lots of red.
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: short ones
Do you believe in miracles?: well i asked zach 'do i believe in miracles?' and he goes 'what do you think i am?'...
Magic?: do you believe in magic *musical note*
Love at first sight?: that would be cool, like we have barcodes and shit and we scan each other
God?: i HOPE he exists? i'm like christian..agnostic...ish lol
Satan?: i hope he DOESN'T exist :)
Ghosts?: errr maybe??
Santa?: of course i do, he's that fat guy in the red outfit who touches me in my sleep every christmas. we like to hold hands.
Evolution?: yep yep
Fav Eye Color:: Most blue eyes and only select brown eyes
Short or Long Hair:: depends on the person? cory needs long hair, kevin needs medium hair, Jarod Shumaker needs short hair. it's just you're face and things?
Height:: 5'8-6'2"
Weight:: 150-250 skinny people aren't fun to hug :(
Best Clothing Style:: plain, indie-ish, comfortable but nice fitting, don't dress like a fucking redneck
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Australia for the new zealand thingy, ireland, or italy..or france just for the buildings..orr ahhh..i wanna travel

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

DR. PHIL!!!!! Jesus, Michael Jackson, Your Mom, CHELSEA!!!*tackles*, Matthew James, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michealangelo Buonarroti, Adolfe Bouguereau, Whoever came up with white castles...i love you. and i'd like to meet (and keep :D) a computer that doesn't suck as bad as mine

My Blog

Some crap

random thingy i wrote. I haven't read over it again or edited anything and it doesn't really rhyme of have any rhythm intentionally. but i wrote some junk. if you're gonna be a prick, don't post any...
Posted by on Tue, 12 May 2009 19:57:00 GMT

Ultimate Renewal

This is an anonymous comment from a confession/anonymous encouragement site:"if i was skinny id be prettierprettier minus the extra chunk i haveso im not going to eat so muchand im gonna live on ca...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 09:53:00 GMT

Sarah needs something new...

This might be more of a girly blog, but if you have thenads& and the style baby..then by all means, do press on. Sarah is bored. She doesn't have awesome weekends with tons of fun, she's broke, she is...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 18:42:00 GMT


Holy Crap This Blog is a Huge Whore. Everyone's Been in it!  THANKS EVERYONE FOR MAKING MY BLOG A WHORE! I'd REALLY like it if everyone who reads this or opens it participates in this, but it's ...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 19:56:00 GMT

my myspace is so totally, like, lame

Okay. So my myspace is boring and i don't change anything....if ANYONE can think of something you'd like to see on my myspace page, or something that needs to change, do tell here. I'm kind of whoring...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 19:50:00 GMT

I once was lost

I just got back from church camp, and had one of the most amazing times. I was really negative before i went to this camp, and I almost didn't want to go because I'd never been before and I didn't kno...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 18:32:00 GMT

Blood and Toads

I found a song that sounds like it's sung about me. I don't know how to label how I've felt lately, I just know it doesn't feel good, almost incorrect and sickening, but in a slow manner. Like getting...
Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 16:01:00 GMT

College Cliches

ROAR! so i have a moderately appealing blog this time, hoorah! No moping today, just good, clean, slightly offensive, rude fun! :D This thing was on facebook originally (i believe) but it’s so t...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 13:41:00 GMT

Sandals with socks

I wish whenever i wrote a blog, it was because something funny happened to me, or because i went somewhere neat, or because I have something amazing to tell people. But nah. I don't have jack right no...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 16:02:00 GMT

in a fuck. i mean funk. har.

I can't seem to feel good lately. I feel like i missed out on stuff when I was little. I was such a weird kid so i didn't get talked to much, and if i did, my friends always would leave soon after, so...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 17:58:00 GMT