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Nancy Boy


About Me

casey james nance, i am currently live in echuca but am moving to melbourne soonish to further my carrer!! love to party with the boys!! schoolies '05 in queensland was just off the rails, 7 days staraight of abusing the body with very little sleep and no aid of any illegal substances, hot times with the benber boys!! more than once said - "if i dont marry ashley simpson, i may have to settle for u?", "your not the best but you'll do" haha.. my sense of humour is pretty fucked up as i find the most immature shit hilarious!! anyway if you wanna talk just add me :-)
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My Interests

football, social scene, mates, family, a girl who cooks, cleans, makes my bed and finds time during all that to have sex with me!! haha jokesPoor kid

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I'd like to meet:

Nathan G Brown, Jennifer Hawkins, Lloyd Banks, Travis FimmelAbsolutely Sick Robot Dance

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dance/house/electro etc.. laid back music like ben harper, josh kelly, ryan cabrera, xavier rudd......


Gladiator, Braveheart, Troy, Girl Next Door, Zoolander, 40 Year Old Virgin, Last Of The Mohicans


Prison Break, OC, Big Bro,


Uncle Al, Kaptain Obvious, Fady Esber, Tom Lally, Dj Benny K, Dave Scott, Haydon Butcher, Travis Fimmel.. Just to name a few..