You scored as Raw/Pure Black Metal Listener, You listen to real Black Metal. The absolute perfect sound is already achieved and you know how to search for it - with the call of your black, hateful heart.
Raw/Pure Black Metal Listener
Old School Black Metaller
New School Black Metaller
Poser and Non-Black-Metaller
What kind of Black Metaller are you ?
created with QuizFarm.comHAILS! My name is Irwin...AKA Lord Abyssmal, Lord Beelzebub, Nekrosculptor, the Metal styles that I hear are Black Metal in general, more specific Depressive, Raw and NSBM, and a little bit ov Death Metal, Gore, Grind and others... Some people may think, because my age, that I'm posser or something like that, so I invite you to test my knowledge of Metal. Otherwise, I dont care what you think about me. =) Misanthropy? a little. Trate me fine, and I'll trate you equally. Trate me bad, and I'll ignore you. Trate me really bad, and I'll trate you really really bad. I'm a little arrogant, conceited and vain. Sometimes I'm hypocrite, so don't believe all my expressions. Emmmmmm.. I don't really know what to say so... FUKK YOU