[Lord Abyssmal] . [Nekrosculptor] profile picture

[Lord Abyssmal] . [Nekrosculptor]

I am here for Friends

About Me

You scored as Raw/Pure Black Metal Listener, You listen to real Black Metal. The absolute perfect sound is already achieved and you know how to search for it - with the call of your black, hateful heart.

Raw/Pure Black Metal Listener


Old School Black Metaller


New School Black Metaller


Poser and Non-Black-Metaller

What kind of Black Metaller are you ?
created with QuizFarm.comHAILS! My name is Irwin...AKA Lord Abyssmal, Lord Beelzebub, Nekrosculptor, the Metal styles that I hear are Black Metal in general, more specific Depressive, Raw and NSBM, and a little bit ov Death Metal, Gore, Grind and others... Some people may think, because my age, that I'm posser or something like that, so I invite you to test my knowledge of Metal. Otherwise, I dont care what you think about me. =) Misanthropy? a little. Trate me fine, and I'll trate you equally. Trate me bad, and I'll ignore you. Trate me really bad, and I'll trate you really really bad. I'm a little arrogant, conceited and vain. Sometimes I'm hypocrite, so don't believe all my expressions. Emmmmmm.. I don't really know what to say so... FUKK YOU

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Mmmmmmm... my favorites bands... and people who likes Metal... NOT POSSERS

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My Blog

Endless madness...

Ashes of my happiness consumed...Enternal passages through this abysmal void...Just an unseen soul floating... in your life.Waking up every morning hopeless and depressed...Thinking the same things, s...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 21:36:00 GMT