Shopping [clothes, accessories, and especially watches!!!] , Cars! (Mazda3 (y@hOoo!!!), SiR, 2005 SLK350 [mercedes benz], MX5, 2005 Eclipse [you guys better check it out!!! whew!!!], GSR ,...!), Sports (swimming, basketball, volleyball etc..), Reading (fashion magazines), sleeping, texting (hahaha!!!) and ofcourse EATING!!! :)
My Guardian Angel and God! =)
R&B, Rock, Pop Rock, anything will do except those really noisy ones.... /image src="" Me and my cousin Val.Ü
The Matrix, LOrd of the Rings, The Fast and the Furious, Alien Vs. Predator, Catch Me if you Can, The Notebook etc...etc..etc..
Meet my Folks, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, MTV Fashionista, The Amazing Race, Fear Factor, and Any cooking/baking TV Program /image src=""
Me and my fairy cousinsÜ at my cousin Michelle's 18th birthdayÜüÜ /image src=" if"
My Parents, and my Brothers.... /image src=""