9-11: NEVER FORGET, NEVER AGAIN.....I'm now a 31 year old father of 37 children. OK, somethimes it seems like I have 37 kids even if I exaggerated by 34. They are wonderful and take up 97% of my "free" time. I always wanted 2 kids close together and that's what we got... twins!!! If you add our Nolan you've got your three.
In the 3% time allotment I have left every week, I enjoy swinging at little dimpled white balls, singin' with the blind man boys, listening to music, playing... ahem... uh.. tennis, keeping up with the Super Bowl XL Champs, etc...
I married the lady that I took to the Tallmadge High Senior Prom, Beth Nardo, and made her a Snyder. We currently live in Brimfield Ohio and own 2 Toyotas with no pets. I enjoy an occasional Cuban uh, er... Dominican stogie and wish to one day own my own Cinnamon Toast Crunch factory...
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