Ainsley yearwood,---- born in the southern part of Trinidad and Tobago; an Island of jolting contrasts and extraordinary dynamism; a rich society materially and spiritually.
My academic education was acquired in Trinidad and England; (The Chelsea School Of Art London)--- my spiritual and emotional education, I received in my home town (Point Fortin), where the sea flows inland and decorated with lush foliage, sprinkled liberally with flowers of innumerable colour and variety, with long timeless beaches; against which the wave break with bewitching sound, where I can look out over the water of the Caribbean sea, which is soft caressing and buoyant, an environment that constantly bombards you with colours; aquamarine, sapphire and emeralds a perpetual rainbow of red, yellow, green and blue, colours that are reflected in my painting , which are expressions of life through my MIND’S EYE,
My paintings adorn many private homes as well as financial and other institutions in Trinidad, America and Europe, including, (The Royal Free Hospital and the Eastman Dental Hospital- London); having had numerous solo and group exhibitions: The WIPO Headquarters Building Geneva Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago Embassy Brussels ,The Grand Kipinski Plaza Hotel Dallas Texas, Campbell’s Of London, The Commonwealth Institute London, Josephine’s Gallery Dallas, Gallery Kaleidoscope London… I have also been featured with my paintings in BVTV British cable channel, The Dallas Morning News U.S.A. Outreach Magazine London, the Courier Magazine Brussels, Metroplex Men’s Monthly Calendar Dallas Texas, The Weekly Journal London, Identity Television British Cable Channel, The Trinidad and Tobago Express and Guardian Newspaper. More information about my work is located in my Artist File at the Smithsonian American Art Museum Library--Washington D.C.-U.S.A...…Ms Bass of the Dallas Morning News wrote of my work: “ Mr. Yearwood…draws from his extensive travels in Europe, India and Africa, creating a diverse style that is both abstract and representational ; with a strong sense of the surreal… his work has a spiritual quality, that expresses very emotional concepts……whether figurative or abstract, oil or watercolour, his paintings exude a Caribbean joie-de-vivre……â€
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