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About Me

I don't know if I'd really call myself a flirt, but rather someone who loves to joke and make people laugh. I'm a friendly person and always try to be polite with all. I'm not an ego stroker but rather I will try to make someone feel good about them self, be it by smiling at them, joking with them or just acting like a total goofball in the chat room to get a chuckle out of them. Sometimes I go for the shock factor and stir the pot a little more but I won't speak on that! Whoo Hooo ( @ )( @ ) HAHA Shhhhhhhh.
Making someone laugh makes my day! I don't joke with many, I try and keep it between the very few close friends that I have. I usually make myself the butt of my jokes, that’s because I don't like to hurt people's feelings and some people don't know how to take me, I guess that's because most of my jokes are of a sexual nature (don't know why that is...*cough, *cough, hehehe) and I have an extreme potty mouth, LOL, I can put an entire fleet of drunken sailors to shame (I don't know but I don't think I should be bragging about that!) hahaha, I guess it's just my fantasy outbursts of what I'd like to be doing to my playmate! hehehe
I'm very straightforward and I'm usually the one who says the things that other people think but dare not say out loud. I know I shock the shit out of most people (especially if they don't know me) and some people take my jokes for the way I live my life and have a low opinion of me but guess what, the only opinion of me that matters is MY OWN! I know who I am and I know the kind of person I truly am and I am one hell of a sweetheart! So anyone’s opinion of me (good or bad) will never make or break me. Some people need to lighten-up and learn to laugh; laughter heals the soul.
I'm a true scorpion and if there's one thing I love its LOVING MY MAN! (OOOPS, I mean playmate!) hehehe *wink I'm a deeply passionate, very romantic lover. I want to give my full attention to my man and let him know he is the most sexiest, desirable, handsome man on earth and I'm going to do my best to make him feel and know this. I want to spoil my lover, and pleasure him like no other has in his life. I want him to know I am there for him and him alone and that my only desire is to make him feel the love, passion, desire and lust I have for him. And although sex is a wonderful thing, I actually look forward to the cuddling, kisses and hugs my significant other gives me.
To me there is nothing more special than being kissed passionately and being held tightly! MMMMMMM I love deep, passionate kisses, you can feel them to the depth of your soul.
I am also honest, loyal, sensitive, caring, loving, trust worthy, giving, compassionate, attentive, friendly, supportive, understanding, reliable, responsible, independent, self sufficient, emotional, expressive, playful, sensible, dedicated and yes, even forgiving. Although when it comes to forgiving, I may forgive but I won't ever forget, especialy if it's something that hurt me deeply. I hurt easily and I guess it's because of the rough life I've lived and when someone I care about so deeply hurts me, it's sometimes very hard to get over. Some people mistake a kind, loving, caring person to be a fool, well, I'm NOBODY'S FOOL, trust me on that and I will not hesitate to correct you on it.
On the flip side of my scorpion self, I won't say that I'm a vindictive person but I don't have a problem stepping to you if you've done something to badly upset me. I will come to you lady like, and let you know that what ever you did was a major NO-NO, and that you've *ucked with me for the First and LAST TIME! When it comes to defending me and mine, I do-so without hesitation or flinching no matter what it takes. My temper is like an erupting volcano and I will thoroughly get my meaning across to you.
I think my temper is a combination of my Puerto Rican/Irish heritage as well as my scorpion sign. Whatever it is, it's powerful and frightening and even I don't like that side of myself. Thank GOD, I've rarely had to show that side of me. I'm not one who causes problems, or gets involved in BS or DRAMA, I pretty much keep to myself and mind my own business, and I don't look for problems; but I never back down from trouble if it finds me. I will never allow anyone to back me into a corner (well, not unless it's for some wild, kinky... ohhh, ummm never mind, wink!) hahaha
I am the most sweetest, kind hearted and loving person you could ever meet, but if betrayed (depending on how severe), I can become your worst nightmare! Thank God I can honestly say that I've never had to be vicious towards another person, I'd like to think it's because it's the kind of person I am and I've never given anyone reason to bring me to that level of hostility. I treat everyone with respect and expect the same from others. I'm a very easygoing person and try my best to get along with everyone. If for some reason I find myself not liking a person (for what ever reason,) I make sure I stay clear of them rather than hurt them.
What I Value Most In Life:
Love of Family, Honesty, Integrity, Being Trustworthy, Ability to Love, Ability to Listen and Understand, Ability to Forgive, Ability to have Compassion for all Mankind, Ability to Admit When I am Wrong and Apologize, Ability to Never Judge Someone, Ability to Be Strong and Self Sufficient, Ability to Appreciate A Good Friendship.
I've failed at some of the above; all I can do is ask forgiveness and try to improve myself. I've hurt two of the people that I love most in this world, (my Husband and my Daughter), and for that I will be sorry for teh rest of my life and hope with time, they will find forgiveness in their hearts and know that I truly never wanted to hurt them. There are no excuses, just know that at that time in my life, I was so very lost (still am), and was at what I thought to be the lowest point in my life. For that I am MOST SORRY and remain ashamed and have not yet learned to forgive myself. I am working on it though and with God's grace, someday I may begin to like, and then love myself again.
Just know, Jr. and Clarissa, if I could go back in time and change things, I would change so many things and never have hurt you to begin with. And if I could, I would also try and take away all your hurt and pain. I still wish I could! *deep sighs

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I am only human and will make mistakes along the way. All I can do is ask your forgiveness and hope that our bond will grow and that someday within your heart and mind, you will truly feel and know that I love no one more than I do you! My love for you will last beyond infinity and is always unconditional. You're kind hearted, clever, bright, gifted, determined, strong willed and a very proud and dedicated mother, and I know you can be anything you wish to be because you let no obstacles stand in your way. I believe in you Clarissa and I hope you can believe this of your self as well. I love you my precious lil one, now and always.

As for my sweet little cuddle bunny granddaughter, well, all I can say is she brightens my day and I am fortunate to be able to love her, teach her, and to see the wonders of the world through her eyes as she is growing and learning more each day. She sings her alphabets, and counts from one to 10 then skips numbers up to twenty, it's just so cute! She loves to sing and dance, already knows what she wants to watch on T.V. and has her favorite movies.She's Nanny's big girl and party night owl. We already fight over the computer and lets just say we end up doing what she wants to do on it, dang that little girl has way too much attitude for her age! Wonder where she gets it from? *wink She's at the age where she repeats everything she hears, so Nanny has curbed her mouth a lot but that doesn't stop the baby from giving me what for, and letting me know "she's the boss!" lol I can't begin to express how much joy and happiness the love of a little one can bring into one's life, but it is a love and joy like no other, and just like her Mom, they both fill my heart with such joy and happiness. We do have our moments though. *smiling fondly

Mianah is very smart and loving like her mommy, and she has a wonderful and funny personality that makes me laugh everyday, although I do know I'm in deep crap when she learns how to put more sentences together because she has her Nanny's temper and attitude, and doesn't hesitate to try and put me in my place anytime she feels it's needed, which is everytime I'm trying not to give her her own way. (God help us all, especially me!) LOL

I love to watch my daughter play and laugh with her child. She's such a loving and caring mother who struggles and sacrifices to provide for her little one; to ensure she has all she needs. My daughter has a great big, loving and gentle heart and is such an attentive mother, as I always knew she would be; and I knew this of her when she was just five years old. Clarissa (my daughter), works a fulltime job and also attends college two days a week, full-time, so that she may gain employment within a company that will allow her to use her intelligence and education to climb the corporate ladder. I wish her much success, prosperity, good health and well being along with a life filled with love, peace of mind, heart and spirit. I know my daughter can flourish and become anything she wishes to be as long as she puts her mind to it and follows through. You make me very happy and proud Clarissa and no one could ever love you more than I do. Love Mom xoxoxox

I've always wanted to write children's books (I know the people who know me best are saying, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, don't let that woman write children's books or tell them stories, she'll corrupt the little ones, FFS!!) OHHH, BITE ME!!! HAHAHA

Seriously though, I've always had the desire to write children's books, I guess that interest stemmed from when I would create stories and songs for my daughter, nieces and nephews, and I could always capture and keep their attention as they were fascinated with the stories I would tell or the songs I'd make up for them. I got the greatest pleasure at listening to them giggle and laugh, and just watching the expressions on their faces. And when telling scary stories to them, their eyes would widen with fear, but they always loved listening. I enjoyed being around them and it was wonderful bonding time with each of them.

Although I have not done sketches for many years, I took great pleasure from sketching with charcoal, or pencils and would draw still pictures, caricatures, cartoons, scenery or just doodle. I use to be quite good at it but it's been such a long time; I'm sure I've lost my eye for detail and perfection. I will however, always hold a love of art within my heart.

One of my hobbies is crocheting. I LOVE and enjoy creating children's outfits. I don't use patterns, although I could if I needed to, but I'd much rather create it in my mind and then bring it to life with skeins of yarn or cotton. I have quite an imagination and in all my years of crocheting children's clothes, I must say, I may not be famous but I have designed some pretty nice "kick-ass" outfits! LOL Some of my specialties are baby layettes, sweater sets (hat, sweater and pants), blankets, dresses, skirts, over the shoulder purses, twin/full or queen size afghans with matching pillow shams, doilies, bathroom sets (toilet tank cover, lid cover and rug), adult sweaters (cardigan or pull over), shawls, etc. I even crocheted a full-length gown for a girlfriend so she could wear it to a wedding. Along with the gown, it had a wrap and a satchel.

That was one hell of a sexy, "kick-ass" gown, and I don't think I could have done a better job even if I worked from a pattern, I just create as I go along. AND HERE YOU THOUGHT I WAS JUST A FUNNY, POTTY MOUTHED WOMAN! HAHAHAHA

I'd like to meet:

Can't really answer that right now, seems I need to first find myself again and start from there.

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I'm an oldies baby, but I do enjoy all types of music. Latin, love songs, disco, hip-hop, country, classical, R&B, jazz, etc., but I'll never get tired of my romance or oldies tunes. I'm talking about music from the 40's to 70's; I can listen to them all day long and never get tired. I am such a romantic at heart, and there's nothing better than holding hands and snuggling with the one you love, or maybe even dancing slowly to the soft melody of a love song.

Being held by your sweetie with your bodies pressed so closely together that you can feel each other's heart beating as you dance and get lost in the music is such a magical moment. I wish I have moments like this. Have I mentioned that I'm a romantic???? LOL


All time favorites: Ghost, The Color Purple, It€™s A Wonderful Life, The Sound Of Music, The Ten Commandments, The Miracle Of Our Lady Of Fatima, Passion Of The Christ, Schindler's List, Casablanca, Hans Christian Anderson, Brian's Song, Mr. Mom, Tootsie, Torch Song Trilogy, Titanic, Apocalypse Now, The African Queen, The Great Escape, The Green Mile, West Side Story, Caligula, Birdcage, Black Hawk Down, Empire Of The Sun, Bambi, The Little Mermaid, Lady And The Tramp, Beauty And The Beast, any Walt Disney Movie (I am a child at heart, what can I say? I said OF HEART NOT MIND *rolling eyes) and YES, I even cry; soooo what!!!!!!! HAHAHAH

I also enjoy documentaries, true crime, mysteries and horror. I love having the piss scared out of me (and this literally happens often) lol Ok; maybe I shouldn't have shared that? TMI, I KNOWWWWWWW hehehehe


TELEVISION: CSI, CSI Miami, CSI NY, N.C.I.S., Criminal Minds, Cold Case, Ghost Whisperer, The Unit, Without A Trace, Unsolved Mysteries, Numbers, Close To Home, Queer As Folk (STFU Haha), The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, The Starting Over House, Montel Williams, Matlock, M.A.S.H., The Practice, Law And Order, any true crime, documetaries or old movie.


A Child Called "It", The Lost Boy, A Man Named Dave; all written by Dave Pelzer. This is the horror story that was his life as a child and the hardships he had to overcome as an adult. I cried trying to get through every book but it made me realize that although I have horror stories of my own, I was far more fortunate as a child than he was.Since I've thrown myself more into the computer, I'd say the last time I read a book was about 7 months ago,(how sad!)
If I'm in the mood to read, I enjoy true crime, non-fiction and mysteries.


My Mother & Daughter