FRANZISKA profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy."

Lieber wenig echte als tausend falsche Freunde.

Love to my friends :)

My Interests

meine freunde, shoppen, sport, musik, weggehen, mein studium

I'd like to meet:

Azad ft. Chabs - Mentale Krisen

Franky Kubrick - Dramaking & Press Rewind

Azad - Phoenix

Moe Mitchell
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Ercandize, Kaas und der Durag
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Dj Nicon
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Moe Mitchell

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Franky Kubrick

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Kool Savas

Devyl D


Melbeatz und Ercandize

Optik Fan TV Münster Ihsan ft. Chr!s


hiphop, r'n'b


die jury, american history x


lost, prison break