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Leslie E

Leslie E. . .No Nonsense

About Me

Basically im a pretty relaxed guy, love to jam and catch jokes but ppl say im bit mad n crazy on a bball court, but i dnt see it at all! I dont like guys who always cause beef to make themselves feel big, aint got time for that nonsense so dem kinda ppl need to stay out ma way lol! hmmm...what else .....come from ghana(the team who will win world cup 2010) was rasied a christian and will be for da rest of my life, thank god for everything good in my life, thank god now im jammin left right n centre so dem nba guys need to watch out. Nehu big shout out to all da fellas and girlies who gimme so much joke, nuff love goes out to yall! Peace out Leslie E ... No Nonsense!
Oh yeh n btw i just started this thing so dnt take notice of the thousands of friends i have lol

My Interests

Basketball, Football and music mainly!

I'd like to meet:

people who are down to earth, but still know how to have jokes and hav a gd time. n for some strange reason a 'buff french maid' lmao, dnt ask why


RnB, hip hop and nefin i can dance to, but not dem bait rock tunes. Basically da tunes u see on base lol


Shawshank redemption, most inspriational film ever man, but still gta love good old friday!!! and inspriational film for 2k7 gta be pursuit of happyness, is one deep and moving film.

For all da dumb negros out der

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My wife and kids is still big, and altho dis is like 50yrs old FRESH PRINCE loool still gimme jokes. Prison break and Lost are good aswell even tho dey carrying on for aaages


whoah dat take me back, to kill a mockingbird i think it was


It gotta be dem guys who fight for what dey believe in, MLK, malcom x, ghandi and dis guy chris gardner, best rags to riches story.