dANcINg, lOuD MuSIc, pUTtINg On mAKe-Up, lOng EyElaSHeS, mARgARIta’S On tHe rOCks, sKIttLEs, FaShiOn, sLeePINg lATe, bEiNg wItH mY gUrlS wHen iM DRunK, kiSSinG gUYs & ReALLy eNjoYiNg IT, slEEpiNg nAKed, KeNNy cHESnEY, lATe niGhTs oN ThE coMpUteR, guYS wIt HoT bOdiES, gUYs wHo SiNG & SouND gOOd, tIGer spORts, lEAviNG DruNKeN VoiCEmAIl meSSAgEs, WHeN I MaNAge To dO AnYtHInG tHaT maKeS mE 1% cLOsEr tO loSINg wEIgHT, DeNTIne IcE GuM, mY AbIlItY tO dRIVe a sTAndARd, MTV aS a wHoLE, TaCo BeLL aFTeR GoING oUT, lATe NiTE tALKs, geTTinG oVEr eX's fOR gOOD, mY ceLL pHOne, PuRSEs, fREsH bREaTH, bEInG sPonTAneOUs & INdePeNdENt, VacAtIOns, LaYiN OUt, PoMpAy PURpLe fINGeR nAIl pOLIsh, pICtURes, hAVinG rEALly GooD NiTES At wOrk, gLittER, sINGiNG KaREoKEe………I like to shop, and shop, and well....shop. Nah...i like to go down the river and do stuff with my family.... I love to go to work (wink wink....) and I like to do anything that has to do with "partying!" I like to go out and party with anybody.... Me and my sissy like to go out and shake-a-ass..... where eva we go and whatever we do we always have fun.....I love to go out with jody kay and ashley too.... and i cant forget about tha charlies crew...... lol i love yall angels..... hahaha
cool people - anybody who likes to have fun
Congratulations! You are Carrie.
Which Sex and the City Character Are You?
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My favorite movie is Dirty Dancing...I been likin that movie since I was like 3 years old.....
MTV and Lifetime are the only 2 channels my tv stays on
My favorite book is To Kill A Mockingbird...and I love love Jane Eyre
My momma - she's everything