captain kimberly faith profile picture

captain kimberly faith

aye aye capin!!!!!! -you

About Me

i'm something else, apparently. i can shoot lightning out of my eyes. i dislike being refered to as a chick, as i have no yellow feathers. i'm living by my own standards and backing my imaginary world to the fullest. living young and dieing old. yee

My Interests

generally, people suck. sexy men, silk everything, wizards, goblins, keeping my edge nice and straight, the emergency room, rockstar eneergy drinks, my pets, reading too much.. too often, eating to the point of nausia, trying to not working.

I'd like to meet:

aim, fightformyhonorx
my first mate. laughj

the crossroads.

beleive it or not i wouldn't like to meet cups of cake.


as of late:
paint it black.
bruce springsteen.
the nips.
johny cash.
the clash.
dashboard confessional.
stz.. uhhh.


cabel guy.
the lotr trilogy, duh.
cold mountain.


antique road show.


currently reading: the shadwo rising; book four of the wheel of time.

the eye of the world.
the great hunt.
a debt on bones!
pawn of prophecy.
queen of sorcery.
magicians gambit.
castle of wizardry.
enchanters end game.
belgerath the sorceror.
wizards first rule.
stone of tears.
the pillers of creation.
a game of thrones.
a clash of kings.
blood of the fold.
temple of the winds.
a feast for crows.
a storm of swords.

