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I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway
name's paige.
but i would love it if you called me peezy
i have a serious disease called "idontreallygiveashithowmuchyouhateyourparentswithoutalegite xcusetohatethem" disease. symptoms: not caring about how badly you hate your parents who grounded you for a week because you robbed a bank (just an example)
i love my parents. they've done a lot for me. :)
i have a boyfriend who completes me. we're perfect cause we're pretty the exact same person, yet total opposites... god i love him :)
i'm addicted to ciggarettes, sushi, and stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, etc.
i love anything that has to do with art, which means i'm fucked. i have nothing going for me job-wise. greaat.
i've been sober for awhile now and i plan to keep it that way.
i like to eat meat.
i hate it when people try to push religion on me. if i gave a fuck about your relgion don't you think i'd fallow it already?
i'm totally aware that people don't even read "about me's" anymore.
Ron Davidson

(the boyfriend)
For the first time in my life i feel like anything is possible,
just as long as you're by my side.
already we've been through so much together,
and never once did you give up on me.
you're more than a boyfriend to me...
you're family.
you're the support i needed in my life.
you keep me strong and you keep my head up.
without you I'd be lost.
I love you.
and i don't care if people don't believe me.
i don't care if people doubt us,
cause i know how i feel about you and i know it's real.
"i do care now, because of you. Because you need me and i need you."

My Blog


He pulls the gun up 2 his head     she sits across the room helpless   she cries and cries   then she screams "BABY DON'T!! I LOVE YOU!! THATS ALL THAT MATTERS!!"   he begins ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 13:00:00 GMT