The British sure are a nice folk.
flute rock
The kind where the teacher really "teaches".
I like to record myself talking to myself and watch that on TV.
Against the Tide of Change, Into the Sea of Cynicism, The Sand we Know as Glass, How the Jellyfish Knew to Sting, The Starboard Side of Life, Docking Your Troubles at the Bay Called Rum, Snuba or Scuba?, That Guy Who Only Paints Ocean Crap and Calls Himself an "Artist", To The Surface The Sea Turtle Comes, The Tell Tails Telling Us to Jibe and Tighten, The Rip Tide of Contradiction, Are Dolphins Really That Great?, Surfing the Big Hurricane Produced Wave, The Oil Slick That Started a War Between the Sea and Land, How I Forgave The Shark Who Bit Off My Leg, Shark Fin Soup: Delicious or DELICIOUS!
The lone red rose that lives through the harsh winter.....