movies, harry potter, picking hard to live up to goals, photography, imagining stufff, trying to predict the future and slashing tires.
invisble clowns, once were astronauts, sexy ghosts, cat burglars, etc...
danceable noise, french racket, splat glam, arthur russell. i like good dj's, sad new classical music, my bloody valentine.
blue, white, red, sex & lucia, being john malkovitch, heaven, logan's run, westworld, star wars, back to the future, wings of desire, la jetee, close encounters of the third kind, most peter sellers, barry lyndon, wizard of oz, sullivan's travels, toby dammit, charlie chaplin movies, virgin suicides
curb your enthusiasm, the office, nature shows, the weather channel
the wind-up bird chronicle by haruki murakami, harry potter, short stories by franz kafka, raise high the roofbeam by j.d. salinger, white noise by don delillo, fierce invalids home from hot climates by tom robbins, you'll never eat lunch in this town again by julia phillips... more...
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