Maria profile picture


Hey let your honesty shine, shine, shine. Like it shines on me.

About Me

.."Meet Me In Montauk" I could spend the rest of my life just relaxing on a dock looking at the water with a big glass of wine. I can out eat anyone, especially when it comes to carbs(mmmmbread)! I'm into the arts and photography, but I dont have to pierce myself or dye my hair to prove it. I take pride in making some of the greatests mixes for my friends. I have an eclectic taste in music which helps. I love passionate songs that will make your soul cry. Im extremely random and have a really dark and almost inappropriate sense of humor(okay it is inapporopriate 99% of the time). Sometimes people think Im cold and aloof, but Im really just in deep thought or in my own world. I can be very blunt, I always say the wrong thing. I've been referred to as a big ball of stress, I worry about the littlest of things and strive to find perfection in a single soul. I'm a compulsive spender and I spend all my money on clothes, even though It looks as though I only wear wife beaters. I can genuinely say that I like spending time with my family. Weve shared many crazy adventures together and now have a wealth of stories to tell because of it. I refuse to sleep without socks on, even in the hottest weather. Feet and butterflies freak me out . I have an obsession with the arcade game deer hunter and Tequila Fridays.

My Interests

Fashion,art, photography, yoga, wines, shopping, ninjas, concerts, friends, music, dancing-ballet, sushi , winter, the sea, trains, snow, Man-Ray, Wegman, Bhagavadgiitaa, randomness, boats, Korean form of Buddhism, lobsters, bridges, mountains, freighters and museums. I have many other interests but this box is too small.

I'd like to meet:

NO DRAMA ! Someone who knows that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, that every personal connection has meaning and laughter is life's sweetest creation. Namaste! Others include: Dorian Grey,Ingmar Bergman,The Dali Lama,Larry David and several others..


Oldies,Amy Winehouse, Yacht Rock, Classic Rock,Edith Piaf,DMB,Dead,Chilli Peppers,Jeff Buckley, Ray Lamontange, 311, Incubus, U2, 80's hair bands (power ballads) Keller Williams,John Barry, Nina Simone, Spoon, Paul Simon, Sade, Beck, Johnny Cash, Cat Stevens, Elvis, Nico, Lou Reed,Andrew Bird(bowl of fire 99-00)Present,The Strokes,Pulp,Bowie,Damien Rice,The Shins Otis Redding and much much more. Most important fact I hate all that is John Mayer.


Everythings Illuminated, Matchpoint,Garden State,Dances With Wolves,The Seventh Seal,Never Ending Story,Out of Africa, The painting of Dorian Grey, Eternal Sunshine,Goonies, A Clockwork Orange,The English Patient,Camielle Claudel,Jurassic Park,The Big Chill,Stand By Me, The Little Mermaid, Robin Hood (Disney), Wuthering Heights,Closer, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Infamous,Open Water and a million other titles.


Nothern Exposure,Curb,Grey's,Simpsons,Nova. Anything on the History channel and Bravo.


Uncle John's Bathroom Reader(all of them!),The Art of Happiness,Love in the Time of Cholera,The Namesake, The Lake of Dead Languages, Wuthering Heights, The English Patient,Jane Eyre,Fountainhead, The Five People You Meet In Heaven, The Notebook, Memoirs Of a Geisha, Ballad of the Sad Cafe, Hot Sex, Would You Rather?,The Histories,Hidden Children, A Clockwork Orange... I prefer books that haven't been turned into motion pictures. Nothing beats creating the characters in your own mind first before Russel Crowe or some half-assed actor ruins the character.


My brother and Friends. Myself as a little kid.