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Gideon Bedlam

I'll feed you fruit that don't exist, I'll leave graffiti where you've never been kissed.

About Me

I am with you in Rockland.
"I looked with chameleon eyes upon the changing face of the world, looked with anonymous vision upon my uncompleted self."
i wrote the voynich manuscript.i apologize in advance for my inability to communicate. there is almost nothing about me that is static, that is to say, i am in a near constant flux. the things that i feel and the opinions i have change very often. i used to think that this was a bad thing, but i've come to embrace it as a connection to my natural self, or rather, my intuit. it would be folly to say that anyone is a single person though, we are all a thousand shattered selves, and sometimes when the light is just artificial enough you can make out the penumbra of your selfplex reflected in the scura.
i believe in everything. i believe in ordinary eternal machinery. i believe in jungian augury, sychronistic sorcery, and all of those subtle arts. i pray to saints and revel in the company of the bodhisattva i surround myself with. i enjoy this sangsara mess, and believe that knowing time is more important than hurrying about. i really wish i wasn't such a mess all the time, but sometimes it doesn't bother me as much. i am terrified of confrontation, unless the whim strikes me to be confrontational, and then i am very confrontational. in the christian mystic tradition, i denounce knowledge as the source of deceit. i am attempting to activate my consciousness in the 8-circuit leary-wilson tradition, whatever the fuck that means. a lot of things about me contradict, and i am with each passing day more content with that.
i don't want enlightenment or knowledge, i don't want power or money, i don't want anything but contentment. i want to not worry about things, i want to be beyond responsibility.
i want complete, real, all-encompassing freedom.

My Interests

i am interested in anything. i get kicks on amature pharmaceutical shamanism. i love music with a '70+ gigs of pirated' kind of love. i get messed up and mixed up on this sangsara mess like the rest, but i feel a little better about it all when i read william blake or anais nin. i believe in touching eachother and in kissing for hours. i believe that we can do without pretense and we can do without the old models and the old paradigms. i believe in spiritual evolution, and in the Source, whatever the hell that means. i believe that cryptia is not communication.
my anima's a bitch who doesn't keep me informed. i'm sick of all this soulsearching, all i ever get are spiritual 404's.

I'd like to meet:

self-transforming machine-elves from hyperspace and the super-novel strange-attractor at the end of history pulling us to december 2012, or at least someone who will sing me spanish techno.


Cory Branan, Tegan and Sarah Quin, Rachael Cantu, Bethany Walk-Spiers, Adam Stephens, Tyson Vogel, Danny Cantu, Amanda Palmer, Emily Haines, Simon Joyner, David Dondero, Willy Mason, John Darnielle, John Vanderslice, Regina Spektor, Chan Marshall, Mirah Yom Tov Zeitlyn, Katy Davidson, Ani DiFranco, PJ Harvey, Elliott Smith, Colin Maloy, Conor Oberst, Tim Kasher, Orenda Fink, Maria Taylor, Owen Ashworth, Zac Pennington, Rachael Jensen, Kitty Jensen, Keven Barnes.


A Streetcar Named Desire, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Cabaret, Henry & June, The Dreamers, Brick, Manic, Primer. I don't watch a lot of movies.


Saint Anais: A Spy In The House of Love, Ladders to Fire, Diaries, Little Birds, Delta of Venus.

Saint Jack: On The Road, Visions of Cody, Subterraneans, Dharma Bums.

Saint Leonard: Beautiful Losers, The Energy of Slaves, The Favorite Game.

Richard: Jonathan Livingston Seagul, Illusions.

Robert: Stranger In A Strange Land, The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, For Us, The Living

and so on.


Thomas' Details

Status: electric
Orientation hearts and lips
Hometown: wonderland, looking-glass, Etc.
Body type: 5' 11" / graceless / clumsy
Ethnicity: blue collar
Religion: grudging animist
Zodiac Sign: the hallucination cosmic
Smoke / Drink: a lot / less
Education hundreds of useless books
Occupation Magician / Pizzatecht

My Blog

i feel like i'm loosing my mind

and i'm loving every second of it.anymore, i'm so happy. i just feel so good about being alive. meeting jesi is the best thing to have happened. we click so well and when we dance it's all vibr...
Posted by Gideon Bedlam on Fri, 18 May 2007 10:22:00 PST

love is silly

i am so ridiculously out of my mind in love it's not even funny. 
Posted by Gideon Bedlam on Fri, 11 May 2007 02:41:00 PST

non-fiction, that is to say, i always mean it but this time without all the fancy lights

when i smoke anymore, i want nothing more than to kiss and make love to everyone.that's not entirely true, but my anima isn't exactly sitting this ride out. the three insanities are hegemony,&nbs...
Posted by Gideon Bedlam on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 04:14:00 PST

oh the creatures of this land and the electricity in their eyes!

i've been nothing but observant this past month, reading whatever i can get my hands on up here (which pretty much equates to mio's copy of  another roadside attraction) and trying thoroughly to ...
Posted by Gideon Bedlam on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 06:07:00 PST

doxology: the sherpherdess sends word of evolution, of love, of novelty!

i have seen a new world, when we evolve beyond these horrible limitations of language, we will develop a tactile communication. our touches will be declarations, our caresses will be our high philosop...
Posted by Gideon Bedlam on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 11:50:00 PST

doxology: aristotle is a motherfucker

saints of misspeakingsaints of misunderstandingchildren angels with penschildren angels with pencilschildren angels with keyboardschildren angels with tongueschildren angels with fingerschildren an...
Posted by Gideon Bedlam on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 01:22:00 PST

broadcast: feverfire

i feel like i owe everyone an explanation, and even though i've been trying to explain this for years, i think i've finally, tonight, found the correct words. i'd also appreciate any response, becau...
Posted by Gideon Bedlam on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 02:17:00 PST

sanity, reality enforcement, melodramatics, get it? haha! oh my.

how many of these eight symptoms personality traits do you believe i posses?*is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention  *interaction with others is oft...
Posted by Gideon Bedlam on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 09:11:00 PST

broadcast: relocation, reconciliation, reconstruction as excuse for escapism or freedom from it

so, i've decided that i'm moving on the 18-20th of febuary. i'm going to go to school in the summer, fate willing. i have a lot of mixed feelings about the move. a part of me is very excited about i...
Posted by Gideon Bedlam on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 01:06:00 PST

our diseases

i need to get the fuck out of here. the sooner the better. this place is a motherfucking prison. any rooms free anywhere? i'm willing to risk poverty to get out of this thievy little hellhole of a cit...
Posted by Gideon Bedlam on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 12:55:00 PST