'' some one to watch over me..." - Fitzgerald
Black Hawk Down, Scary Movie 4
mind's eye other than that i'm dilselick(dislesick)too busy doing this
I thank Steve for this game.
JENNIFER YEON is my hero :P ! Jen and Meg Hager♥ ♥ WHABAMM KAPOWW!! ahem... STEVE u just got freaking HACKED :P I wanna mk fun of u rite now but that won't b nice. :/ So... I'm going to COMPLIMENT u. What cn I say abt STEVE, u may ask. Well, I think hes amazing n very NICE wen he choose to be, but also can be very VERY cruel if he tries. :( Dnt piss him off. He is an AMAZING SINGER (w/ or w/o damaged voice box) I kno I hvnt known him 4 a long period of TIME, but he's a gr8 FRIEND and a proud GROUNDHOG :D. I wish he's my BROTHER, but he's not. :( But to me, NO MATTER WT ppl say, ur gonna b my older BROTHER I've always wanted :) He also has MAD bass killzzzz X] Get to know him, u won't REGRET it, but wen u hurt him in any shape or form, thatz wen I cum in. I'll BITE u into pieces, I'll SLAP u hard, I'll PINCH u n leave u a bruise, I'll KICK u until u get a broken bone, n I'll write ALL OVR U u w/ a sharpie. So beware! U shud rethink b4 u HURT him. i am going to MISS U oh so very much nxt yr steve schiesser :( cnt bliv ur a SENIOR :O wow that was long :O buh bye ♥ xoxo Jennifer :)