someone who will
accept me for who i am
my baby brother
Kylle Chase Thompson
he is four
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
i have the most amazing friends on this earth. i would not trade them for anything.
these people are what keep me going in life. they are my best friends. i look up to them in every way possible. they are the ones i come running to when in need of someone. i gracefully thank god each && everyday for allowing these special people to be placed into my life while leading footsteps into my future. for them to not walk in front or behind me, but beside me; supporting every decision i choose to make along the way.
roxanne thompson
my mommy -- her leaving when i was at such a young age, growing up without her, teaching myself all the girly things; all of which made my life more difficult.. but yet the reasons of why she left has made me know not to take the road she took. it gave me a first hand look at what would happen if i did && how many people i would && could hurt. i cherish the mother-daughter relationship that we never really experienced before && now share. plus, you will never find one that is as open as ours.
rebecca hartman-watts
my bestest -- even though she moved to australia years ago, we have still kept in touch. myspace IS our way of communication. i cant wait for the day that we will see eachother. when i will be able to see her beautiful face, gorgeous smile, && give her the biggest hug of life. i miss you so much!
bradley ober
my brother -- we have been by eachothers side through anything and everything that has been thrown our way in our lives. if i were to talk to you about anything i know you would understand my position and view to be able to communicate what is needed. you are going through a lot right now in your life and i will walk with you through it all. i want the best for you. i want you to live your life to the fullest, but while going down the right path. i love you with all my heart.
zachary shaver
zacharia; my best friend -- we have known eachother since 8th grade and have been through just about anything and everything together. we have had our share of fights and bad times; but they could never add up to the countless moments and memories we have created and shared. i will admit though.. you can be a punk. but i can also be a bitch. :P
nicholas smith
you look over me [literally.. lol] and protect me. you are there for me at any given moment. i come to you for advice. or maybe when i just need a friend to talk to. you always manage to put a smile on my face; especially when i dont want to. you tickle me to death just to hear me snort. your family calls me giggles.. which is the best inside joke ever! you know things about me that most dont. out of the people i know, you are the person i would immediately say when asked who has the biggest heart. you care so much and show it to the max. you are so determined and give things all you've got. i guess you could say your like my rock. i call upon you when times get rough because you are always standing there beside me. i lean on you because i know i can count on you no matter what.