GROUNDFLOOR profile picture


About Me

Groundfloor, a band from Reykjavik, Iceland, Actually a two man show of Oli and Halli wich began in 2003. Oli the singer/songwriter hooked up with doublebassplayer/arranger/manager Halli in Rvk, after years of disliking each other and began the work of Groundfloor. After months of practicing and few duo gigs around they formed the quartet Groundfloor and in Mai 2004 The band went in to the studio to take down 13 songs, with some great guests. Trumpeter Jean Philip Flugel aka. Jon Oskar played on the session. A sax man from the acclaimed Icelandic noiseband Ghostdigital, Hrafn, blew a storming solo and his wife and a good friend, composer Anna Thorvaldsdottir, played a great outro on the record. Harpa Thorvaldsdottir also did some vocals as she had already done on some major concerts. After the recordings the band kept on playing for a while and composed new material. In the year 2008 Groundfloor released a 11 track studio record "Bones", recorded in Greenhouse studio 2004 and followed that through with a tour in Iceland the summer of 2008 and through Europe summer 2009. The band is working on new stuff with altered members Harpa voc/piano, Thorri voc/drums and Julia violin for their next record, recorded in Sonic Flow Salzburg and due to be released in summer/autumn 2010. ..
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Member Since: 23/09/2006
Band Members: Óli Gataway Guitar/lead vocals Halli Doublebass/voc Tobbi/Þorri Drums/vov. Jean Philip Flugel trp/voc, Flo Moser viol, Julia Czerniawska viol, Sanda Kim Cello and many more as solists Harpa Piano/vocals.Good friends: Hrafn, Anna, Jói, Max, Nikki, Peter, and the Loyal Icelandic Crew........
Sounds Like: A singer/songwriter kind of stuff but arranged for a band. All acoustic, folk/pop/jazz donno
Record Label: In urgent nead of a manager/label for Europe !
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Reggio nell'Emilia !

Thank you Italy for your great acceptance and respect ! We played for aprrox. 700 - 1000 people on an outdoorstage in the city, where promoters hoped that all seats would be taken. But they were not s...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Aug 2009 02:02:00 GMT

Great jazzit gig !

We played our first europe gig in Jazzit yesterday, for around 200 people. Unbelievable good audience, great acceptance, great feeling in the band and we had an amazing show. Thank you Salzburg, we wi...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Jun 2009 23:52:00 GMT

Check out this event: Groundfloor Roomservice Wien

Hosted By:GROUNDFLOORWhen:Sunday, June 28, 2009Where:RoomserviceRotensterngasse 20Wien 1020Description:Groundfloor presents their new record Bones in Roomservice/beyond architecture Rotensterngasse 20...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 14:43:00 GMT

schutz vor dem sturm tour !

Jazzit Salzburg freitag ! Kein regen, Seedose St.Pölten samstag ! Kein regen und Roomservice Wien, Rotensterngasse 20, kein regen. Bleib wärm, bleib trocken und hör unsere music an. Schönes wochenend...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 02:07:00 GMT

Salzburg, St.Pölten, Wien !!!

yeah, are in this very moment working on the program for those 3 concerts in the end of June.We will now for the first time have a piano all through the program and a special secret soloist will join ...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 13:55:00 GMT

Wienna gig already fixed !

The "tour" if tour can be called is always getting longer, stronger and more fun. Now we have fixed a concert in a small but beautiful happening gallery called Roomservice in second district in Wien. ...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Apr 2009 13:34:00 GMT

Great austrian friends !

I am proud and I am glad to inform you all that once again our friends in Musikladen Salzburg have sold our "Bones" as a cold bottled water in Sahara. The guys at the store also take part in promoting...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Mar 2009 11:10:00 GMT

Whats up...

Hello there people.Well our album is just about to be sold out, much sooner than we could ever have expected. It has been getting great response and that makes us happy of course:) and then its just t...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 05:32:00 GMT

Liebe osterreichische laute! Wier kommen bald zu spielen!

Grussi gott ! Yeah thats right, we are in the works of planning a short tour through Osterreich, but it takes time and we are thinking of making it happen in the end of June. We have rock solid progra...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 14:42:00 GMT

Góður gangur "Bones" í Austurríki.

Nú erum við byrjaðir að vinna að því almennilega að kynna Groundfloor fyrir Austurríkismönnum, sem virðist vera okkar besti markaður og jafnvel góð leið til að opna sér leið inn á þýskan og seinna evr...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 01:18:00 GMT