The Sky Tonight- Space profile picture

The Sky Tonight- Space

About Me

Hi, my name's Jon. I run I am a 21 year old astronomer/astro-physicist. ( is the website I have created, it is an 'anyone' friendly portal of information on just about whatever it is you want to know about the universe. The sky tonight-space (as in this myspace account) is the little sister to theskytonight it is going to be used as a group (astroscience related) for members of the site.The sky is an educational web site based on all aspects of the Universe. It is an On-line source of information for Astronomers and an on-line public librairy of Astro-photography. The website is though, built on a purely educational ethos concentraiting on the Pysical sciences of the universe (standard and theoretical) aswell as many other subject areas of importance and pure interest. The website is still in its constuction stages at the minuite and will continue to be so, over the coming months.If however any of the above subject areas appeal to you, or your just looking for the answers to those age old questions; Where are we? How did we get here? and where are we going? Then the site may just be for you. If you have a spair minuite, Check it out. If you like what you see you can become a member and if you dont like what you see.. tell me what you would Thankyou Jonathan peers MyGen Profile Generator

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