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My Interests

Kyaking, listening to music, playing games-scattergories, literati, mexican food, sushi and saki bams, visiting with friends over coffee, trips to the ocean, beachcombing, drawing, playing piano and clarinet, live concerts, musicals, plays, brewfests, traveling, seeing new places, playing with my niece and nephew, scrapbooking, singing, dancing, surfing the net, and trying and learning new things.Artistic Artistic/Musical/Creative Programs that match your interests: • Architectural Technology • Communications Media • Cosmetology • Fashion Merchandising • Graphic Design and Illustration • Journalism • Multimedia - New Media • Music • Photography • Production Art • Theater

What Type Of Rock Music R U Into?

You scored as crustic rock,u like crustic music

I'd like to meet:

Enacted by 95th Congress, August 11, 1978AMERICAN INDIAN RELIGIOUS FREEDOMResolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that henceforth it shall be the policy of the United States to protect and preserve for American Indians their inherent right of freedom to believe, express, and exercise the traditional religions of the American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, and Native Hawaiians, including but not limited to access to sites, use and possession of sacred objects, and the freedom to worship through ceremonials and traditional rites.See U.S. Code, Title 42, Section 1996Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000SEC. 3. PROTECTION OF RELIGIOUS EXERCISE OF INSTITUTIONALIZED PERSONS.(a) GENERAL RULE- No government shall impose a substantial burden on the religious exercise of a person residing in or confined to an institution, as defined in section 2 of the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (42 U.S.C. 1997), even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, unless the government demonstrates that imposition of the burden on that person-- (1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest. (b) SCOPE OF APPLICATION- This section applies in any case in which-- (1) the substantial burden is imposed in a program or activity that receives Federal financial assistance; or (2) the substantial burden affects, or removal of that substantial burden would affect, commerce with foreign nations, among the several States, or with Indian tribes.




10 Things I Hate About You,13Gohsts,Bad Santa,Big,Bram Stokers Dracula,Brick,Beaches,Big Fish,Chances Are,City of Angels,Count of Monte Cristo,Cry Baby,Dirty Dancing,Dream Catchers,Death Becomes Her,Donnie Darko,Elizabethtown, ETERNAL SUNSHINE of the Spotless Mind,Face Off,Flight of the Navigator,Girl Interrupted,Hair Spray,"IT",KiLL BiLL,Labrynth,Last of the Mohicans,Legend,Laurel Canyon, Little Mermaid,Men at Work,Nacho Libre,Never Ending Story,Nightmare Before Christmas,Office Space,Old School,Princess Bride,Punch Drunk Love,Punisher,Romie&Michelle's H.S.Reunion,Shrek,Sin City,Son-n-Law,Sabrina,Suicide Kings,The Fifth Element,The Notebook,The Secret Garden,Underworld,Usual Suspects,What Dreams May Come,Wizard of Oz,Wedding Singer,You've got mail and Zoolander.


Authors: Carlos Castaneda, Howard Zenn & Mitch Abolm.Books: Da Vinci Code, The 5 People You Meet In Heaven, Journey to Ixtlan, One More Day, The People's History, The Secret, Tick-Tock & Tuesday's with Morie


"WHETHER YOU CAN CALL AN ANIMAL A HERO I DON'T KNOW, but they certainly did extraordinary work for their masters."ANIMALS IN WAR!!!HORSES-Eight million killed in WWI alone, carrying men, arms and supplies into battlePIGEONS-200,000 used as messengers in WWII. Of 17,000 parachuted into enemy territory, fewer than one in eight returned.DOGS-Used to hunt mines and search for the wounded. Still routinely used todayMULES-Used as transport in the Burmese jungle, with their vocal chords slashed to keep them quietCAMELS, OXEN and ELEPHANTS-Used for similar purposes elsewhereDOLPHINS and SEA LIONS-Used today to find underwater mines and protect shipsGLOW WORMS-Used in WWI as an aid for map readingSave The World - One Click At A Time!

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My Blog

Compared to What?

                     ¿        ? The president, he got his war.Folks don't know ju...
Posted by Kathryn on Fri, 11 May 2007 09:37:00 PST


What is a Subluxation? What is a Subluxation and what does it do to me?First, the simple explanation.   In simplest terms, a subluxation (a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more of the...
Posted by Kathryn on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 09:57:00 PST


Maybe ~          "           ;           ;   &nb...
Posted by Kathryn on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 11:39:00 PST

Finding Balance

The  Balance When was it that quinces turned into baby showers? When was it that sleep-overs turned into bachelorette parties? When was it that an innocent kiss turned into a torrid love ...
Posted by Kathryn on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 08:20:00 PST

Anger Management

It is defined as: "A strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong; wrath; ire." Any of you guys have "anger issues"? I know I sure do! I will have to proudly admit, my temper ha...
Posted by Kathryn on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 12:56:00 PST