Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!I have livedall over the good old U.S.I moved to California withnothing but a dream.MY G-O-D gave methe strength and the will to thrive, but my daughter help keep me focused. Iam proud of every tear I shed it molded me into who I am today.My flaws helped to keep my spirits alive. I'm stubborn,I always insiston learning everything thehard way. My entire life hasbeen a complex mindteaser.Though all the rain, camemy blessings. I have yet tofall and not jump up, Irefuse to let any one orthing stop me from beingthe best person I can be. Iunderstand what its like tohave nothing so I alwaysmake time for those lessfortunate than me. Evenwhen I feel like I don't haveany thing to share I find away to make someone elsesmile. I always give each performance myentire heart and soul. I havebeen blessed to have manyfriends and family tosupport me with my musicand life choices. I am readyto share my passions withthe world. My featuredsingle "Addictive" wasproduced by my goodfriend Nitris 211, We had alot of fun and I hope youcan feel it. I also haveworked with the mostamazing drummer everknown. Oc, formerly withthe group : FUSE ..abrilliant musician, nowapart of the group: Kitchenpass.. my Dad. This groupis wonderful, I am proud tobe apart of this powerfulgroup. So my question foryou is ......R U READYFOR THE RIDE OF YOURLIFE?????????????
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