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First off... looks way nicer than this myspace thing. You should check it out. Additionally...Dark, dirty, loud, ridiculous theatre. Our first project, The Curse of the Goddamned Ship was performed to sold out houses at both The Dark Room Theatre and Amnesia in June of 2006. A re-vamped Curse of the Goddamned Ship, complete with new constellations, celebrity stowaways, and understudy-swapping ran the first three weekends in November at The Dark Room Theatre. Our next show, the variety show A Treasury of our Most Treasured Treasures, packed Amnesia's red-lit walls on Feb. 18th. Sideshowman Herbie Hatman ate glass, hammered knives into his face, and sandwiched betweend two beds of nails was tapdanced upon by the sexy Jessy Brown, whose 3 minute musical "Love Is Blind", melted hearts like butter. Miss Mack and Jenny Jo's puppets on sticks, a retelling of Hansel and Gretel, dangeled and broke like porcelain dreams. Phoenix's true tale of an absent life boat appalled and softened the crowd, all whilst the tugboat dad sang and strummed his well-crafted song. Sansa beautifully tapdanced and played accordian with a handsome man! Ben Burke and Jenny Jo put on a tiny ten minute play called "Fancy That", which ended in gothic misery and delight. Jascha Ephraim's Yiddish Vaudeville band jingled and jived. Linda and Rob were in every act, I think. And The Trifles ended the whole beautiful medley with some punk rock cupcakes.