Saturday Night... |
Was the best fucking night this DECADE. Where the hell do I start? Mrs. Huber... no, that's too far into it. The trespasser that I, along with Starr Manning herself, did in? No... Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 08:46:00 GMT |
My Junk |
Ok so I've had the chance to see Spring Awakening 3 times since May 14th and man... is it freaking awesome or what? What started out simply as a birthday gift to my brother that I could also enj... Posted by on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 20:29:00 GMT |
Going dark |
I'm going to have to go 'dark' with my blog posts for the next few weeks. I wish I could say why but I can't. I'll still be posting however... if you are up for reading some honest thought... Posted by on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 22:13:00 GMT |
Easter, Godspell, and entering the ’dark time’ |
Finally! A Sunday where an opening shift starts at 10am. Why can’t it be like this every week? :) Things are getting harder and harder up there and lately... I’m not sure... Posted by on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 20:57:00 GMT |
going through the motions |
i can’t sleep these days. when i do, it’s well after 2am... even if I have to open the next day. i miss the shit outta my mom. she passed on in November of 2005 but you k... Posted by on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 22:56:00 GMT |
eye worries, Godspell and yeah... the playhouse is BACK! |
Music and Lyrics by Stephen SchwartzBook by John-Michael TebelakA modern day rendition of the Gospel according to St. Matthew.I’ll be coming back to this in just a second... I promise. I&r... Posted by on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 22:22:00 GMT |
Spice Girls Reunion Tour in Philly! |
WOW!I knew the concert would be packed... but I really hadn't expected it to be REALLY packed! The concert didn't kick off until around 8:30 but who was I to care? My early ticket ordering... Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 20:54:00 GMT |
Heinz WincklerUNBELIEVABLE singer/actor/performer... he's REALLY incredible. why can't I find his own songs online to listen to them? I know this exist! :) Posted by on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 23:25:00 GMT |
life sucks right now... and i don’t know what to do |
So in 2 days, my brothers and I have the anniversary of my mom's leaving us. 2 fucking years... that's a long time to some people but for me... 2 years ago can be just like yesterday. I mi... Posted by on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 00:39:00 GMT |
Moms --- a letter to mine |
Mom's freakin' ROCK... they are one of (usually two) biggest influences in our lives and help us to grow into who we are today. You don't always have the best relationship with your mom... but y... Posted by on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 00:39:00 GMT |