Five young lads on a quest to bring the most beautiful/erotic sound to your ears.. On this quest these brave men plan to rock there hearts out and save the beautiful princess from the evil forces of St. Screamo. " We will not give up or die until our quest is complete."
Brian, Mike C., and Angel formed the band with a drummer named julian in the summer of 2006. After playing west stock, they suffered the loss of their drummer. Then one day Mike C. And Brian went to a One Cord Short show to ask Mike L to be the drummer! Within the next few days they had their first practice!!!! then they decided to look for a second guitarist, by the time of the second practice they had found Dan and the five of them have been rockin out to their new songs for a few days now. Pretty soon the sounds they make will be availible for your ears to hear!!!!
More of the quest to come..........