W@t to s@y~*~
!'ve been thru @lot~ ! love my l!fe~ there h@s been so much to go wrong but !f they d!dn't h@ppen, then ! wouldn't be w@t ! @m now~ people @lways t@lk to me w!th there problems~ there @re people !n my l!fe who feel ! should st@rt turnin them @w@y bec@use ! h@ve my own issues to de@l w!th~ ! cons!dered !t until some1 came to me w!t a re@l deep issue @nd only felt comfort@ble t@lk!n to me @bout h!s problem~! ended up cry!n not cuz ! felt h!m but bc ! w@s upset w!t myself~ ! been blessed enough to h@ve th@t person@l!ty th@t people love 2 vent 2~ ! h@ve th!s tr@!t th@t ! w@s gonn@ let some1 conv!ce me 2 g!ve up bc ! w@s self!sh~ ! le@rned 2 open my he@rt @nd be w!ll!n to help others; ! let down the w@ll ! h@d up 2 protect myself bc ! re@lized !t was only !mpr!son!ng me~ ! got the best f@mily @nd !f you don't @gree, then you us don't know~ ! jus le@rned to forg!ve those who h@ve wronged me bec@use you c@n't move fow@rd unt!l you let go of ur p@st, you c@n't let go of ur p@st unt!l you forg@ve~ so !h@ve~ long story short !'m@ sTrOnGeR, sM@RtEr,dEtErM!NeD, fOcUsEd person who !s re@dy for w@ts neXt !n her l!fe~ LeT's GeT !t