About Me
My name is Chris, cousin of Joe. I gots me some beers and I wants me some mo'So, I'm Chris, in the military, I am annoyed by people who can't type, people who don't know what they're talking about, loud repetitive noises, cell phones going off in movies, myspace porn ads, spam bulletins, people who add you to myspace just to have a higher number of friends, transmitters, ex girlfriends, people with Emo hair, kids in "The scene", bisexuals (pick a freakin’ team!), AAFES, being drunk with nothing to do, bragging about being straight edge, idle conversation, people who are too worried about what others think of them to express themselves, myself, others.Things that I'm cool with include, Dogs, Beer, good music, concerts, people with ADD, big red, Fuel Shop, old friends, people who can break dance (Or B-Boy as they call it now a days), Hotties, porkchop sandwiches, payday, The Hoff, Morgan Freeman, Jeff Goldblum and macaroni and cheese.