I am Marre; married to Rom for 17 years; he is my best friend and the love of my life. Together we have 5 grown children, and lots of grand kids who are loving, kind, ambitious, and make me laugh. I listen to most all music, especially Stage Parades, George Michael, Niko, Native American Flute, Environmental, Celtic, Falik, Middle Eastern, Mountain Dulcimer..Oh did I mention rock? Autumn is my favorite color!. Making candles and incense is what I do, also enjoy art, reading, hiking, camping, riding horses, watching a good movie, hangin' out with the kids, nature, clear starry nights, the smell and coolness of exploring caves, a walk in the deep forest, full moons, the ocean, all animal life is precious, the mountains, babies, laughter of children, a happy meal, Middle Eastern food, wind-chimes, very long hair, jeans-tees-barefoot, getting together with my sisters, spending time with mom&dad, and welcoming new friends here in my little "corner" of the net..I wish you love, joy and peace..*Marre