New Ace Attorney game! In case you didn't know, I loved Phoenix Wright and am looking forward to the new series. :)
My 4 year old Grundo. :) Sign up and add me as your friend. :)
Bands // Song Titles
Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:: A Perfect Circle
Are you female or male:: Judith
Describe yourself:: Magdelena
How do some people feel about you:: Weak and Powerless
How do you feel about yourself:: Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rythm of the War Drums
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:: The Noose
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:: Thinking of You
Describe where you want to be:: The Hollow
Describe what you want to be:: A Stranger
Describe how you live:: Imagine
Describe how you love:: Sleeping Beauty
Share a few words of wisdom:: People are People
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