I like to hang out with my friends! Being myself, astrology is really interesting I love reading about horoscopes, I love rain and playing in it (i know that's really typical to say), when it's night time, when it's cooolllld so I can cover myself in lots of comfy blankets, ummm... listening to music! Going to concerts, GREEN! Green is my favorite color!! I like to go for walks and think about things, i love to lay down and look up at the stars, and wish on them! im always looking for a shooting star, watching movies with people, talking to people I love when people can hold a good conversation, i like to go shopping when I have money to spend, annnd that's it...
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I've already met the only people I need to meet...But it would be pretty cool to meet Dane CookIMG SRC="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i186/CrimsonChin77/da necook.jpg" ALT="Dane Cook and I"IMG SRC="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i186/CrimsonChin77/da necook-1.jpg" ALT="Dane Cook"
I love all types of music...
Garden State is a really cool movie, and the sound track is just awesome! I like a lot of movies, and all diffrent types. I really like The Day After Tomorrow too, Jake Gyllenhaal is extremley hott!
Family Guy rocks!
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I don't have a hero...