Monday Morning Lunatic profile picture

Monday Morning Lunatic


About Me

Check my AMV ...
not much t' say... i'm studying computer science, playing rhythm guitar for my band(sang for a while also), trying to tear my neighbors' eardrums with my guitar rocking from time to time(actually, i tend to play more of the clean sequences, but at some point u just get annoyed by your loving neighbors, like when i'm relaxing my buttocks on the lew, and then i hear some monkeylike moaning from the nextdoor apartment followed by the skrieching sound of the almost broken bed... trauma 4 life, i say :/)let's get back on subject... well, i really like to listen to music, it has great influence over me, so watch out... is what i should say, buT! you didn't hear that ;]besides that i'm a very big fan of japanese culture, and japanese animation(they're a crazy bunch, so i go well with them...)oh, and, i kinda tend to play some sports from time to time, like bitc... i mean beach volleyball, soccer and going to gym ocasionally, oh yeah! i also like to ride a bicycle, probably 'cause of wind coarsing trough my hair and stuff like that... also, i drink alcohol, so there's the explanation for the baggage :D

My Interests

music, video games, anime, manga, other comics, expensive guitars, Dream Theater(oh yeah, they own teh music world!), women, havin' a grandchildren(one must have someone for bitchslappin')...oh, yeah, i know what you all think right now, he just want some drugs, but he can't write that stuff on public places so he invents funny names for every each one of them(u can always appeal for items addendum ;])

I'd like to meet:

...oh, so much luscious women from my perverted sexuall fantasies... why, you ask? well, i just would like to tell them they they all should become punk rock girls with flowers in their hairs(boooooooooooy, are that some stupid lines or what? scotland is a funny country, indeed...all those kilts, and i still don't own one ^_^)... actually, that is just an alibi for deflowering.... a yakuza! they are just so cool that everybody gets pwned by them ;] korra! fuuzaken ja ne yo!!!(ask for translation...)... John Myung, so he would teach me how to become a cool bass player :D btw, he's Korean, so fu all with "u r just another jap-o-phile" attitude!i would definitely like to meet the God, so he would tell me the world's funniest joke... ok, that was a lousy joke, i'm not much of a worshiper, i'm just too lazy for all that commitments in this world... yeah, yeah, i know it's bad, and i'm tryin' to improve... not in becoming a worshiper(u numbskull!), but in overpowering teh lazyness.



oh, i adore stupid teenage comedies, because i always get in better mood after watcing some of those, but remember, don't tell Scotty, cuz, Scotty doesn't know... :Dbut to all of you contradictory people, i would reccomend "what dreams may come"Fight club! it's just sooo me... ^_^



yeah, i'm one of those phunneh ppl that enjoy watching hospital "las telenovelas", like ER, Scrubs and Grey's Anatomyi also enjoy watchin' Ed and Gilmore girls.other series that i also like to watch: heroes, my name is earl, prison break, dexter.


some pratchet is always good to have with you... it's paper just burns so well :D... lol, kiddin', pratchet is my good pal, that's right! dudley pratchet is my good friend, i admit...


John Petrucci,

because he IS the guitar Jebus! ;)Bruce Lee,

because he could always slap some random good looking chick's butt so fast, she could never even catch a glimpse of his movement... just like playing a game of red gloves :DMiyamoto Musashi,

because no one can wield katana like that gimpy ol' bastard...Tokai-chan,

because he's THE yakuza! Benjou da ro, benjou da ro naaaa!(again, ask for translation...)

My Blog

bl0gorechiv zametak.

ne znam shta mi bi, al’ odlucih se da zapish(a)em josh jedan blog entri! eh, sada bivate upozoreni da naredni tekst koji pishem ima potencijal da smori jer mi bukvalno istiche iz uma kroz ove mo...
Posted by Monday Morning Lunatic on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 07:39:00 PST

narativna kolotechina...

well, kao i uvek, u mojim veoma zanimljivim blogovima, i ovog puta cu pisati o gomili nepovezanih cinjenica... ali, kako su cinjenice u pitanju(a one su jel'te tacne i nepobedive), sve to ima neke log...
Posted by Monday Morning Lunatic on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:39:00 PST

i tako vam ja kazem dragi moji grisini...

bleh, doslo je opet doba lencharenija, prosho junac, i u nedostatku svakodnevnog manjka kradje bogu dana, pocinjem da actually razmisljam o svakojakim irelevantnim zivotnim cinjenicama(yeah, meni se o...
Posted by Monday Morning Lunatic on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 03:18:00 PST


'bemtilebac, provalio sam da poslednjih dana, kad god me neko pita "sh'a se radi?", ja bukvalno ne'am sta da ispricam pametno... mislim realno, upisao sam trecu godinu na visoj skoli, sad sam apsolven...
Posted by Monday Morning Lunatic on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 04:19:00 PST


vidim svi nesto piskaraju ove blogove, evo i ja nesto da unesem, da ne ispa'ne da se ne poveravam internetu...bilo je popodne, nisam znao sta cu od dosade i resio sam da postujem u blogu...ajd' uzivaj...
Posted by Monday Morning Lunatic on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 08:22:00 PST