Studying not by choice, working out not by choice, surfing if I ever have time, playing with Gary, drinking girlie drinks and wine, almond champagne, Greys, LOST, 6 Feet Under, chargers, Nip/Tuck, Arrested Development, Spaceballs, UFC fights, Traveling (Greece and Italy Dec. 2006), Mexico, Vegas, hanging out with my friends, dreaming of a great future, investing, Coors Light, not cleaning my car, cleaning my house, and sleeping a lot.
My future class that I will teach.
Taking Back Sunday, Garden State soundtrack, Funeral for a Friend, AFI, Jack Johnson, Senses Fail, david grey, Story of the Year, old sappy love songs: Brian Adams, Rod Stewart, Whitiney Houston, Meat Loaf...etc. Old school rock: Eagles, Don henley, Erci Clapton, Rolling Stones, Areosmith, Peter Gaberial, Doors, Sorry, but this is the point where I update that I like country...I love rascal Flats and others...I got suckered in.
Garden State, Spaceballs, Nepoleon Dynamite, Troy (Brad Pitt!), 3 Amigos, Anything with Edward Norton, American History X, 25th Hour, Fight Club. Step into Liquid, Black Hawk Down, Gladiator, Closer, Ice Age, Interview with a Vampire, Braveheart, Pretty Woman, boondock Saints, Club Dread,
NIP/Tuck, Dr. 90210, FOOTBALL, OPRAH, SPIKE UFC, Arrested development, LOST, Million Dollar Listing, Friends, Sex and the City AND GREYS! I love Mc. Dreamy!
Nicholas Sparks..If only life was that sweet. I read a lot...Geek at heart :)
Mom and Dad and Gary for being a survivor of the Doberman attack....stay strong buddy...if you go I go.