People who have a brain, can drive, breath, walk and talk at the same time, care about the enviroment, speak their mind, can take critisism & can give it, energized, make love not war, open minded, don't force their beliefs but share knowledge and are willing to expand thier minds, open to change, wonder why we are here, wonder what we are still doing here, wondering when we are leaving, believe in UFO's, Tinkerbell, know who Lilith is and think she was smart for not letting "him" have rule over her, think that the patriarchal rule has gone on far to long and it's time to balance things out (as it was in the begining), thinks that organiZed religion needs to be on it's way out, like the colors purple and green, likes felines and canines, enjoys standing in the rain and all that Thor has to offer, looks at the stars and know they are looking back, and know's what they want in life.