h3y wus g3wd.... da nam3 is jasmin3 but my fri3nds call m3 jazii b. ima S3NIOR m3aning C/O 09' all day baby!!! && soon aft3r i graduat3< JUN3 18, 2009> im l3avig to go to boot camp... i got into the air force... but in the oth3r single... buh hon3stly ima cool laid back typa chick && 3z to g3ta long wit n goofy ....but at the sam3 tyme i dnt tak3 no m3ss 4rm NObody... male && f3mal3! so if u dnt lik3 me 4 wat3va r3ason das ur p3rsonal probl3m... but i hon3stly culdnt car3 n3 l3ss w3tha u lik3 m3 or not my lif3 still go3s on.. && i will still k33p a :) on ma fac3...NE WHO... im 4rm north ov philly
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