wHen i geT 2 Glory i woulD LuV 2 meet...EvE...WoW MoM! whaT a womaN...expensiVE tastE eY? i'm suRe we'll sit doWn in a cosy golden CornEr of heaveN suMwheRz, sippiN soY deCAF caramEL lattez & chowiN down maNneR cooKieZ to da tuNe of eterNaL halleLujahz & we'll discuss Her strange obsession with VegiTaRiaNisM! oNly a couple of worDz people..20,000 COWs was thE beSteST vegiTarian restaurant I've ever eateN @ - of CourSe oN dA floor by the fiRe liGht of a pot belly Stove iN da Middle of the fooD, fuN & faNtabuLous FeLLowShiP!Eve, girL, dat musT hav beEN 1 tasty ManGo roll-Up..coZ it was REaL FruiT flat Out alright....a flaT out loNg time for the Rest of us to gET baK 2 dA gaRdeN! *.*