Is my Zipper down? profile picture

Is my Zipper down?

If you don't like me, Ima make you HATE me!!!!

About Me

..Okay so here’s the scoop wit me…. I’m 24 y/o and currently live in Phoenix, Arizona (Paradise Valley)…. I turned 24 on April 23rd and I planned on moving to Los Angeles at the end of August but that suddenly changed…… lot of things that play into factor with that. I'll mention more about that some other time. I have a very unique style some would say….. I am not your typical gay guy who goes to Abercrombie and Fitch and buy clothes. I couldn’t even really tell you about all the big designers. I shop at Tilly’s, Pac Sun, and Hot Topic. I buy a lot of clothes online because yea it’s easier to find shit I want. I dress like a skater majority of the time, but then I also dress like a Kandie kid. So you could say that my sense of style would be called a Skaver. What ever floats my boat right? I like to go to raves when I have the time and money. I started going to raves when I was 13. I got out of the scene however when I was 17. I started letting things take over my life and made a promise to many close people that I would stop. And I did. However, when I started dating one of my ex’s, (who was a raver by chance lol) he kind of brought me back into the scene again. At first I really didn’t want to cause I wasn’t sure if I would end up the way I was before….but I got back into. This time I at least have my priorities straight. I will still go out and have fun and do things I shouldn’t (which my parents know) but I don’t let it effect the rest of my life. With all things aside between me and my ex I do thank him for bringing that back in my life. If it were not for him I would not have got back into the scene, met really awesome friends and most of all made it out to California. I have wanted to move out to California ever since I moved out when I was 16 y/o. It was not until my ex decided he wanted to go to USC that helped me get out there. Every time I am in California I just feel like I am at home. I know that Is where I want to spend the rest of my life….or at least until it falls off or the world dies…which ever comes first….there are a lot of things that I would love to do in life that I would do great out in Los Angeles. I tell people, I’m like a rechargeable battery, when I am living here in Arizona I am discharging and sooner or later I am going to run out of juice. Thankfully Los Angeles and California alone is my Base and I have to return at least once every two weeks to “Recharge myself”! I have done the whole acting thing all ready and it would be something I wouldn’t mind getting back into…. I have been in numerous commercials, print work and have appeared in one movie. Even did some plays back when I was little. I was very active in school doing drama but there is a BIG difference between drama in school and Acting in real life. I believe being part of drama in school preps you to do work on Broadway and stuff. Don’t get me wrong there were a lot of things I learned in Drama that helped me better my skills but who wants to fill their life full of drama? I’m gay damn it I have enough drama in my life all ready! As Mary J blige once said, “No More Drama” LOL I have some goals in life in which one was being an Actor. Another was being a radio DJ, and someday I would like to own my own business or at least be a GM of a good company preferably in the food industry. Right now I am actually meeting that goal. Working at Jamba Juice as a GM is AWESOME. I have sooo much fun at work. My main goal in life however is to be known all over one way or another. I want to be able to go anywhere and people would be like I know him. Maybe it’s a popularity thing. I dunno. I have always made an attempt and still do till this day at everywhere I go I meet someone. It has its rewards let me tell you. Before I moved to Los Angeles I knew people everywhere in the valley. I never paid to eat food, or go out and have fun. Only cause I knew people. I would drink at bars for free, get VIP everywhere, and go eat at nice restaurants for free. It was nice. I even got free gas once. Good times. Right now I am currently completing my third goal of being a business owner/operator but it’s been kind of hard… Right now I am working close to 150 hours a paycheck and never really have a day off. I can not go a day without the store calling me for some reason. I was on the right track when I lived in LA that past couple of years before I moved back to Arizona. I was the senior shift supervisor at Coffee Bean and tea leaf…. Now the funny thing is I HATE COFFEE……but that just shows that anyone can do anything if they put their mind to it. I for a little bit was basically the acting GM of one of the stores….we did not have a GM or an AGM and I was next in line. I did the orders, and inventory and all that wonderful stuff…. I worked 40-50 hours a week. The company was really sad to see me move back to phoenix. I originally did not want to come back to phoenix…. I was really happy with everything that was going on in my life in Los Angeles at the time other than the fact that I was with the ex…. But I figured well maybe if I move back to the only place he has ever been and where all his friends are things could get better but a lot of things happened in the relationship that basically just voided that…. But it’s all good, I don’t like living in the past cause there is nothing you can do to change it that is why I am just like whatever and I am getting on with my life and doing what I want to do. Like I said I met a really awesome guy and if I would not have moved back I most likely would not have met him. Like I have all ready said I am very active or at least try to be…. I love to bowl. I have been bowling ever since I was basically able to walk… I like to play soccer all thought I have not kicked a ball in who knows how long. I like to shoot hoops but not play basketball. I like to watch football but I can’t play that damn game worth anything. I am really in a sense a little kid. I will go outside and play with my little brothers and all the little kids in the neighborhood playing all those little games like four square, and freeze tag. I swear I act like I am 12 years old. I love to go running around and doing things with not a care in the world. I love to play video games and go to the arcade. I think that may be why I am so damn competitive. I am a Taurus and I do believe that I am the best at everything. If I’m not, you better believe I will keep playing and practicing until I am the best or at least pretty damn well close to it. I know I can’t win at everything but you better believe I will keep playing until I win…. My favorite game to play is Dance Dance Revolution, Para Para Paradise and Dance Maniax. I will go to the arcade and seriously play for hours on these games for 5 bucks. I think in a sense these games are what keeps me in shape. I have never been to a gym, never lifted a fucking weight and even though I would like to learn how to do so sometime, I highly doubt that will ever happen…. I just find it boring I guess in a sense. I just moved into some really awesome apartments that have splendiferous weight center and I might actually start working out there twice a week. Just need motivation and someone to do it with me. I am a very energetic and outgoing person. I like to make friends with people of all ages. I will go to the park and play with little kids and go hang out with my grandma while we go shopping or just go hang out at the house and have dinner and play uno or something. I don’t mind sitting at home when I got someone there and we are doing something, but If I am just sitting there doing nothing I get bored and start to get irritated and just start going insane to the point where I don’t give a fuck what happens I just got to get out of the house. I spend most of my time in my room and never leave it. Everything I need is usually in my room so why leave? I love to be in the kitchen. I cook, bake, and create weird things in the kitchen that for some odd reason taste really fucking good. My favorite thing to eat of all time is mostly breakfast food. Waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, and hash browns…..fuck yea…. I would eat breakfast for dinner everyday if I had the time at the moment. I like to bake cookies and cakes from scratch…. Really kills a rainy day if I don’t wanna go outside in the rain ya know…. All though I can be in the worst mood the rain and thunderstorms and just a cloudy and windy day all together will make me super happy! The funny thing is I am still very young but I feel like I have accomplished so much in my life I feel older than what I really am. I mean more and more I think about life and just realize that I am I all ready have the mind set of settling down with someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. I am honestly not that big of a sexual person. I mean I like to make out and cuddle that is always nice but when it comes to sex, I can do without it I guess. Don’t get me wrong it’s not like I don’t love it or anything its just I want to make sure that in relationships there will be a lot more to it other than sex. Most relationships nowadays, especially in the gay scene, are mostly sex. What ever happened to cuddling on the couch, or picnics in the park? Just spend time together and get to know each other with out the sex. Go out and have fun not just sit at home and fuck like rabbits ya kno. Overall I am a very mysterious person you could say…. People always say I should let them try to figure me out but people just need to realize you will never figure me out… hell I can’t even figure out myself. You can ask any of my closest friends and they will tell you the same thing. That is just me; I am weird, crazy, spontaneous, and confusing. I may say something or do something and you will just look at me and be like….uhh….okay. People call me stupid, immature, conceited and many other things but you know what I don’t give a flying fuck. I’m only stupid in your eyes, I’m only immature in your eyes, but I am conceited in my eyes. I have gone through a lot in my life and someday you may hear it all but I doubt you want this novel to be longer than it all ready is. I have done things that people that are in their 30’s are still trying to do. I so far believe I have had a very successful life and it’s only going to grow. So if you want you can join me and like me for who I am and the way I fucking act or you can just step aside. I take care of my friends just as they take good care of me. I have very few people that I actually call friends and I don’t even call them that. They to me are known as my family. I welcome more people to join my family but I have learned that most people can not handle me and my family. We are EXTREMELY CLOSE and there is nothing that would really come in between us. I know people everywhere but there are only those few that I truly can trust and depend on. If I were to end up in jail or something really bad would happen to me I know they will be there and I LOVE THEM DEARLY and ALWAYS WILL. I never want to see Steven, Tiffany, Leah, to disappear. I don’t know what would happen to me. It seriously would be like losing a very very close family member.There is a lot more to me that I did not even mention in here but I gave you a pretty good idea of how I am as of now. I am not looking for a boyfriend or am i ever. I just live my life the way i want. I kind of gave up on the whole thing about actually dating anyone cause i have yet to meet anyone out here in arizona that is worth it. Well i lie, i met one guy but yea... Fuck dating for right now, im too busy for a b/f i just need to have fun and gain a social life...If you want to know more about me or my past just holler. I am open as a book and will tell you anything you want to know. I am not ashamed of anything that has happened in my life cause of the reason that some pretty shitty things may have happened and I may have done things that are extremely stupid or embarrassing but you know what, I have learned from those mistakes and if it were not for those things I never would have become the person I am today!

My Interests

Do you really want me to go through this? I mean hell.... Parties, Music, Arcades, Traveling, Friends, and fuck.... just talk to me damn it.

I'd like to meet:

.. My

What i looked like when i was younger.Okay so you think your cool huh? Think you can kik it with me? Well not just anybody can be on my friends list…. I am picky on the people I like to kick it with and who my friends are. It takes a lot of patience and sanity to handle me and if you think you can your welcome to try. Most people try to figure me out and say I need to open up to them. One problem, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO FIGURE ME OUT! My closest friends know this. I am weird, crazy, psycho, insane, and uncontrollable. Only my true friends can handle me. It is very very hard to keep up with my outrageous personality. Therefore basically I want to meet people who are hot and sexy and know how to have a good time without spending money. I want to meet people who want to kick it in reality and also will talk to me online. If you notice my friends list, most of them are from California. I have few friends here in Arizona. I want to meet more people but it appears that most people here in Arizona are two-faced or just stupid. Don’t forget flakey, fake and wannabe’s. I need people that will just go out driving with me, or take road trips to anywhere. People that will come hang out with me at one in the morning at wal-mart and play marco polo, or hide and seek. I expect you to be outgoing and wild. Got your head on straight and not a total jack ass. Have some sarcasm in you and stupidity and it’ll be great! Send me a friend request and fill out the Friendship Application. If you truly would be my friend you would take the time to fill some stupid thing out for shits and giggles. Plus it tells me about you considering I say a shit load of info about me in my profile. What you waiting for? Fill it out NOW!!!


OMFG... I LOVE MUSIC!!!!!!!! This list could go on and on and on... but i am going to make it a little easy for me, I listen to everything the following order is my choice of music. Happy Hardcore Trance Dance Drum N Bass Ska/Punk Eight's Alternative House 90's Rap/Hip Hop R&B Country Jazz Classical Rap/Hip HopI really listen to everything.... i run my own radio station from my laptop that play my music all the time. I have a FM transmitter so I can hear it on any radio tuner in the house...(my neighbors can hear it as well) I run those funny spots you hear once in a blue moon, and the songs your like, damn.... when this song first came out i was ___________!


Dont really watch a lot of movies... but i like the cheesy stuff i guess, i love animated movies, and any movie that has to deal with the air plane being hijacked, exploding, crashing, anything really with a plane.... dont know why.... maybe that would be why i am scared to fly....


Dont watch a lot of TV either.... but when i do i love to watch 24....(omg so addicted lol) family guy if i happen to be flipping through channels and its on, Simpsons here and there..... ever since family guy... well i think simpsons has gone downhill.... i watch the weather channel ( i love storms, have this vision to be a storm chaser. I want to be bill in the movie Twister.... o yea i love tornado movies as well.... andything with a big storm like that grabs my interest as well!!)


I am love to read Murder Mystery books.... Actually makes me have to think about what is going on vs just having someone tell me a story.... it usualyl really grabs me and i cant put the book down....


Heroes? Someone was on drugs when they decided to come up with this topic..... If i had to consider anyone a hero, it would be my Mom's and my grandparents. They have saved my life in so many ways and i would not be the way i am right now if they did not do such an awesome job raising me and really showing me how to live life. My mother basically kicked me out of the house when i was 16. I have been on my own since then. I worked 3 jobs at that age, dropped out of High School and got my GED. When i was 17 I went back and actually got my diploma. When i was 18 I became a 2nd assistant Manager for Jack In The Box, when i was 20, I practically was the GM at Coffee Bean..... I seriously think that if it wern't for the things that had happened when i was 16 i would have not gotten as much experience in life as i have right now. I have the street smarts, common sense, and basic knowledge of life. After sleeping on a bus stop for a while you kinda learn things.... you gain a much greater appreciation for the things you use to always take for granted.... you learn that money really is not a big issue and shouldn't be. I seriously love my Grandparents, My Mom and Lori to Death. I Don't know what i would do with out them!