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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I was born in the mid-20th century (the 1900's). About 1962 I began writing poetry and fiction. About 1964 I worked for a friend of my dad's, tearing down a house where Route 52 was being widened to four lanes, Wheelersburg, Ohio, USA. He wanted to salvage the material to build a garage. I don't think he ever did. But the $5.00 I earned for each two days' work bought me a Norma guitar. That's when I began to write songs. They weren't great songs but they had enough merit to keep me playing. My brothers got in a tussel over it and broke it. In high school I took an aptitude test. It came back as a graph with a small spike for clerical work. I was literate. But there was a huge spike for the fine arts. I liked things artful, visual, musical, conceptual, words. Life's what happens while you're making plans. Life happened. I was drafted, letter from President Richard Milhous Nixon, "Greetings," 'Come and be used to some purpose in the American War in Southeast Asia.' The Nazi Big Lie was that it was to stop communism. They're still telling that lie, with the latest updates. I joined the military, loaded bombs and missiles and aircraft guns, never making it to the war zone. I survived misleadership of the military-industrial- political-intelligence-underworld complex, went to work in various fields, ending up in a 30-year "career" in that small spike I told you about. But I kept writing songs in the big spike over that 40 odd years, and those were odd years. Black people couldn't even vote. In 1965, black Americans made up 20% of the front lines of the war, far out of proportion to their numbers in the US population. The 'brothers' called it 'Soulville' up there. If you got in trouble with the law the judge might ask if you'd rather go to prison or in the Army. Bob Dylan changed songwriting from Doo Wop to something old made new again. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963, Martin Luther King in April 1968, and Robert Francis Kennedy in June 1968. "What in the hell's going on?" I remember questioning the universe. I had no idea. You still don't. Now, 2007, I'm being pushed out of the little spike and scared by negative possibilities, but, suddenly, I'm seeing, trying to see, outside that door, a new world of positive possibilities. It's out there. I'm sure of it. And now, I've got a couple hundred songs to play that I didn't have back then. Wait'll you hear them. I hope to figure out how to upload them and sell them for ninety-nine cents like others do. Let's see; that means, if I sell a million of them...oh well, one day at a time.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'll need help to learn what it takes to bring my music to market, so I'll need to meet some people I guess. I've lived many years as a hermit, my day job paying the bills and destroying my ambition. A new world of possibilities is hard to create when you've been a hermit, but it can be done. I have a domain name,, and was paying for a yahoo webhosting contract but having little luck getting into it to build it, so I cancelled it. Maybe it's me. I'm an obtuse old cuss, no kind of techie. Can't seem to get it together to call for help.

My Blog

Were Only Human www, On a November 1, 2007 Delta flight out of Seattle I found myself on the aisle, a wonderful 9-month old in the middle, her mother at the window. Across the aisle...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 18:30:00 GMT

A Peaceful Solution: Willie Nelsons lyric, tweaked by me. y-e-andrews.htmlA Peaceful Solution Gary E. AndrewsJanuary 21st, 2008 Jay Posted in Arts, Peace |Gary E. AndrewsHear "A Peaceful Solution" b...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 22:34:00 GMT

The Curious Little Creature

(Posted to in response to the data that the media had asked 3 questions about global climate change of the presidential candidates, the same number as questions about Unidentified Flying Ob...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 13:27:00 GMT

Government abandons taxpayers children. President George W. Bush (2001-2009) abandoned children to the ravages of health issues in 2007, vetoing a bill to supply healthcare. I wrote this to Senator Ge...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 05:56:00 GMT

Health The ancient wisdom of "an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure" is well-illustrated in health care. Enacting the tactical action of prevention is so ...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 08:56:00 GMT

The American Nightmare: Subprime Crime It's the American Dream: owning your home. In 2006 the US state of Ohio led the nation in home foreclosures. In August 2007 the rate of losse...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 18:46:00 GMT

Separation of Church & State

"Apocalypto" is Mel Gibson's second great argument for the separation of church and state, "The Passions of the Christ" being the first. In each we see what happens to a man when the church and state ...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 06:58:00 GMT

Plant trees for all your life This story describes an experiment where they tried to oversaturate trees' exposure to carbon dioxide to test their ability to 'scrub' it ou...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 18:20:00 GMT

Earth Day 2007 Earth Day. In just 150 years human consumption of the Earth evolved to threaten survival of all living things. In 1850, humans nu...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 17:45:00 GMT

Spring 2007 Portsmouth, Ohio, USA Spring is coming on fast here in Portsmouth, Scioto County, southern Ohio, USA, April, 2007. The pussy willows 'green up' first in spring. Each year I watch for...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 17:25:00 GMT