BMX, music, have fun with friends, editing videos, travel, films, internet...JOB - foot plant/photo :
envoyé par eatsoup
BMX Masters 06 - Street
AC DC - Black Sabbath Elvis Presley - Jimi Hendrix - Led Zeppelin - Lucero - Metallica - Rise Against - RJD2 - The Doors - The Hives - The Pixies - The Rolling Stones - The Ramones - The Sex Pistols - The Strockes - The White Stripes - The Who - The Sounds - Violent Femmes
American History X - Back to the Futur - Bowling for Columbine - Big Fish - Monty Python and the Holly Graal - Pulp Fiction - Requiem for a Dream - Snatch - Vanilla Sky -*SYSTEM*
Vibrations Urbaines - Pessac (Fr)
BMX Masters 06 - Dirt