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I am here for Friends

About Me

ummm dont really know what to say... im 22, from the worst town in England if not the world BOGnor, ive just starting my final year at bournemouth uni, im doing a degree in computer science.. geek i know. im living in poole about 5 in from bournemouth town. just finished my job, ive been working for Dell computers in London but now im back to student life! Spent a gap year travelling Australia and Loved it, went to Thailand last christmas and have just booked to go again this year!i love doing anything that involves being out the house. im a qualified scuba diving instructer, i learnt on the great barrier reef, but have dived in thailand, and around the canary islands. that about sums me up... any questions?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i love meeting new people, expecially if there outgoing and MUST have a sence of humour. There are a couple of celebs i would like to meet, tyson , Necro, 50cent, the whole arsenal team so i could shake there hand!! Einstien, bill gates. When it comes to girls ive had some bad experiences, there very expensive and require a lot of maintenance, but who knows maybe one day will find the right person…

My Blog

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