Music is my Ecstasy.
Be Yourself.
I Love these two with all my Heart. (:
Dream As If you'l live forever, Live as if you'll die today.
-James dean.
PUNK Anyone???
[email protected]
My name is Bonnie .
Im 16 years old.
I have found my
Peter Petrelli.
I Coudn't Care less if you don't like the way i act, dress or dye my hair.
Right you know my name and age here's the rest. Im a bit of an odd ball. I do not fit in at all. I have plenty of friends which could be 4, 50 or none. I dont really care beacause I have the Worlds greatest boyfriend.
Heheee I have brightly coloured hair. For attention i dont know you tell me. I live off music. Its my oxygen! Im Not exactly the most smartest person in the world, but who is? I get C's at school.
I Play A Mean
Every band neads a
Nahh, I Play Bass Guitar, Sing
and a little bit of Electric it is all my life.
I have a habbit of screwing things up,
Even more when im hammered.
I am loud, fun,
overdramatic and annoying.
I don't feel the need For weed.
I don't Sit on my back and do Crack.
I don't Smoke because they make me Choke.
Obviously Drugs aint for me.
K urt
C obain
His Name was Kurt,
and He felt so hurt.
He was young,
but there was a gun.
Questions Still remain,
but he will always be the same.
- Me
His Music Changed The World,
And Now My Music Will Aswel.