B R I D G E T profile picture


Do people actually READ profiles on MySpace or just look at pictures?

About Me

Hmmm...where to begin? You can tell by my layout that I'm a girly-girl...that much is obvious. I'm definitely a fiery redhead. I'll admit that I do live up to the stereotype. I'm a bit sassy too, and I think I curse too much....maybe more than a sophisticated lady should. I slip up a lot around my parents. They're at a point where they just ignore me now. My brother says it's because I don't know how to express myself. I just flipped him off when he said that to me. I noticed with some guys my potty-mouth is a turnoff, but with other guys they're like, "I don't fuckin care that you curse. Damn, this beer tastes like shit." Those are the ones I keep. I love playing pool, and I have been playing since I was 13. Now, I have hustled people for money, but I never initiate it. It's always this scenario and I usually always hustle a guy:
Victim: Hey, you wanna play?
Me: Sure. Are you pretty good?
Victim: Hell yeah.
Me: How good?
Victim: Don't get upset when I spank your cute ass tonight. Hahaha!
Me: Well, I don't want YOU to get upset when I spank you in front of your friends.
Victim: Oh, you think you can beat me? Hahahaha!
Me: ...
Victim: Care to make a friendly wager honey?
Me: Ummmm, sure.....honey.
And that's how I make a lot of my shopping money. I like to be spontaneous in every aspect of my life...especially in the bedroom....or the kitchen...or the shower....sorry I got carried away. I think I have a great sense of humor. Some people don't get it and I just pity them. A sense of humor is a very wonderful thing, I think everyone should get one. I love to laugh and it's not hard to make me laugh. I just find a lot of things funny....like watching someone bite a hot slice of pizza and burn the roof of their mouth. I also take joy in making other people laugh....I think it's a great way to get people to warm up to you and feel more comfortable being around you.
Please don't let all my Hooters pics fool you...I DO NOT work at Hooters....well, I haven't in awhile. I did work there while I was in college. The pic in my slideshow of me wearing the white Hooters shirt...that was my real uniform. Another thing about me....I like to have fun and go out drinking on weekends or when I'm on vacation. I teach children (no, I really do...4th graders...scary thought isn't it?), and I do take the influence of children's minds very seriously. Plus, I like my job. I never walk into my classroom with a hangover. God, how would I explain that to the kids? "Why are my eyes red? Oh, your teacher was out last night getting shitfaced. Now where's your homework?"
As I wrap up my mindless rambling, I will just say that I'm the kinda girl who likes to have a good time and isn't afraid to act a goof sometimes. I'm very comfortable with my feminitity and sexuality as I think all women should be. I'm also a perfectionist, so you'll see me change my layout about a gazillion times. I do hope by reading my profile you get a little taste of my personality. I'll be honest, MySpace is some freaky shit....some people put their entire private life on their profile....where they were born, where their special birthmark is, the phone number to their job...Geez! Trying to attact a stalker?!?! I'm just trying to have fun with this and hopefully not attract any potential PROZAC-dependent crazy asses. I'm kidding.....I have nothing against PROZAC.

My Interests

* Going out drinking with friends *
* Playing pool *
* Outdoor adventures *
* Italian food *
* Apple martinis *
* Dancing & swimming *
* Guys that smell good *
* Driving fast *
* Shopping & Cooking *
* Anime *
* Going to the movies *
* Listening to music *
* Beautiful men *
* Dirty jokes *
* People with ambition *
* Scented candles *
* Happy Bunny *
* BBQ's & watergun fights *
* White tigers *
* Digital art *
* Chivalry *
* Carnivals & amusement parks *
* Teaching kids *
* People with a sense of humor *

* Bad breath *
* Cheapskates *
* Laziness & arrogance *
* The DMV *
* Britney Spears *
* Skunks *
* Online ads and commercials *
* People with no interests/hobbies *
* Sushi *
* Guys that won't ask for directions *
* Slow drivers *
* Sore losers *
* Paris Hilton *
* Email spam *
* People who are unfaithful to their lovers *
* Stupidity & ignorance *
* George W. Bush *
* Bad hygiene *
* Drama Queens/Kings *
* Pessimists *
* Telemarketers *
* Reality shows *
* Racism & sexism *
* People without a sense of humor *

I'd like to meet:


I'd say I'm a well-rounded individual when it comes to the fine art of music. I like rap, rock, punk, alternative, metal, pop, club, dancehall, classical, r&b...whatever. The only music I can't get into is country and opera...and I don’t think I ever will.


I love movies...especially fantasy, sci-fi, and comedies. Some of my faves are Lord of the Rings, Underworld, The Covenant, Fast & The Furious, X-Men, Superman, Spiderman, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Final Fantasy Advent Children, Green Street Hooligans, Kill Bill, Alien vs. Predator, Star Wars, Cruel Intentions, Chronicles of Riddick, Troy, Elizabethtown, The Lost Boys, Chronicles of Narnia, Austin Powers, Shrek, Blade, Interview With a Vampire, Queen of the Damned, Blood & Chocolate, Tommy Boy, Big Daddy, Ace Ventura, Dodgeball, Liar Liar, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, and Legend.


I can honestly say that TIVO is the best investment I've made in a long time. You know you're hooked when you watch TV at someone else's house and say, "Hey, rewind that!"....and they don't have TIVO. I don't watch much TV, so TIVO records my favorite shows: Family Guy, South Park, The Office, Lost, Drawn Together, Prison Break, House M.D., Ugly Betty, and Supernatural.


My Faves: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, Twilight, New Moon, Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series, Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire series, The Feast of Love, Silver Kiss, and Blood & Chocolate. My favorite books of all time are all of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. What can I say....I'm a hopeless romantic with a morbid fascination with elves, vampires, and were-people.


My hero list is really short. Basically it's my parents and firefighters. Now, if you wanna talk "superheroes"...that list is not long either....it consists of a trio of badass redheads: Poison Ivy, Dawn, and The Dark Phoenix.

**Who farted???**