It started in 2002. I had a brain bleed at work. It wasn't covered by workman's comp because it was a pre-existing condition and it was determined to have happened on my lunch break (even though doctors said it was bleeding for hours). It was so severe there was no chance of survival. I had what is called an AVM, arteriovenous malformation, in my head that bled while I was driving. An AVM is basically an aneurysm. I had what is sometimes called an AVM stroke. It is not known if it caused the car accident or was made to bleed because of it (I personally believe hitting my head on my desk earlier made it bleed, and then driving, it caused the accident.). I was in a coma for a month but still remember what I heard. When I came out I couldn't talk or move (Locked-In Syndrome). In 2004 with the advance of technology, doctors at Stanford were able to remove from my brain the thing that bled, the AVM, and since then I am learning to move my right again. I was institutionalized from December 2002 - March 2006. I was admitted to 5 hospitals, 2 nursing homes, and one sub-acute hospital. Nobody ever thought I would have any recovery like this. I guess everyone expected me to have mental damage. I didn't. Just motor. And I'm over-coming that.
Clicking the link to the left will take you to my group on MySpace. There's more on . Since so many people look at this, I would like to put some important information on here. And it’s free (check out the blog). I have been making a lot of progress mainly because of what I know (I used to do early intervention), and because of what I have learned since this happened. I will put different topics in the blog area. If you have a question or want a topic addressed, please message me. You can either on here, or if you’re not a member,
[email protected]. Others probably have the same questions. There is no reason a person should have to learn the hard way if somebody else knows the answer. I don’t have answers for everything, but I will try. Also, if you see a mistake, let me know. I don’t want to give the wrong information.