Spade aka Raymond Beginyan was born on January 1, 1989, as the younger child to Larry and Anita Beginyan, in Hollywood, California. One of his main inspirations is his mother Anita, who was a conductor for an orchestra in Armenia. Even though he did not have an interest in music until the age of 14, he now has more love for the industry than he ever did before. At first, it was just picking up an instrument and playing, then it came to production like he never expected it. Spade taught himself how to play the guitar, piano, keyboard, and taught himself how to use the various programs of production. He picked up the discipline and patience he needed to do his best, and it payed off. While taking different types of music classes in High School, Ray was able to see the direction he wanted to go with music. Trying to surround himself with talent, Spade is now working with a few artists, knowing that it could turn out to something huge. The members of this group are determined to do the best they can to succeed and climb the ladder to the top. Besides being a producer, Spade uses his talents while performing live with different bands, playing different music with different genres. While struggling to reach the top, he knows everyone will enjoy what he has to offer to the music industry.