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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi, my name is Heather and I am originally from South Carolina(a lot warmer in the winter time and a much much more populated area). I moved up here over three years ago to be with my now husband of over a year. I am in the Army Reserves where I am about to be a Staff Sergeant. I came back from Afghanistan about 3 and a half years ago which is where I met my husband. We have been together for almost 5 years give and take. I am currently in college to get my bachelors degree in Human Services Management to be a Social Worker for children. My husband and I are also expecting our first baby together. Anything else you want to know you will have to ask. AND IF I DO NOT KNOW YOU DO NOT SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST...I WILL MARK YOU AS SPAM!!.. .... ..
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Your Personality Is Like Alcohol
You're the life of the party, a total flirt, and probably a pretty big jokester.
Sometimes your behavior gets you in trouble, but you still remain socially acceptable.
You're a pretty bad driver, and you're dancing could also use a little work! What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
You Are 100% Sexy
Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts!
Let's face it... you're one of the sexiest people around. And you don't let anyone forget it.
You're crazy hot, and you deliver on what you promise. You are definitely one wild ride. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ENFP)
Your personality type is enthusiastic, giving, cautious, and loyal.
Only about 8% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 6% of all men
You are Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. How Rare Is Your Personality?
You Are A Little Snobby
And being a little snobby every once and a while is totally allowed.
Because if no one was ever snobby, no one would ever try to dress up or look pretty.
And while you do enjoy the finest things in life (that you can afford), you tire of superficiality.
You know there's more to life than what's just on the surface. Are You a Snobby Girl?

My Interests

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My Blog

Very Funny Joke That Was Played

At drill today me and 2 other Sergeants played a prank on my soldiers. It started out with 5 of my soldiers. I informed them next on the list of things to do is to collect an exhaust sample from one o...
Posted by on Sun, 11 May 2008 20:05:00 GMT