country music, making money, being with my wife and son
I'd like to see my Grandma again and my little cousin Sarah and show my son to them....
Country all the way
anything with blood and zombie cheerleaders or crap like that...
SouthPark or WWE
Anything by Dr. John Gray, anything Horror related or mysteries
My wife for being pregnant and being in labor. For carrying our son around like a heavy backpack for 9 months and the personal sacrifices you made to give us a healthy baby and for you both to come out of it perfectly healthy.....My son...enduring 9 months of being upside down would turn my stomach...but he is my hero...he gave me the power within to go back to school. And people who know me would never guess in a million years I would say this but I Idolize my mom and God for giving me what i have today.....