About Me
YOU cannot break me, change me, or bring me down. So say what you want :]December 22 is my speciall dayy. :] my passion is dancingg. My life is something i value.Im a genuine and strong
little girl with BIG dreams and good intentions. I dontt likee to bleend in with the crowdd. I hate it when it is quiet. ..Im spontaneous, adventures, andd all betweenn. I lovee brighht colorss. I am a cheerleaderr at Beckkerr. DSDA iss my secondd homee. im there 6 dayss a week andd it never getss olddd. I understandd people makee mistakess and deserve anotherr chancee. i walk the streets with a bigg smilee on myy facee. :] I DREAAAM bigg, and sett highh goalss for myself. I laughh when nothing is funny, andd dancee when there iss noo musicc. When the clockk strikess 11:11 i makee a wishh. I like the wholee singlee, partyy, funn thingg. But sometimess I wouldntt mindd thee
wholee kissingg, holdingg handss, beingg hiss girll kindaa thingg. I believe in lovee. I lovee the winterr.My friends and family mean the worldd to me.Ive learnedd as youu go throughh lifee youll see theres iss so muchh thatt we dontt understanddd && thee onlyy thingg we knoww iss thingss dontt alwayss go thee wayy we plannedd. I dontt caree whatt peoplee thinkk aboutt me. I dontt hatee anyonee, but i might dislike someone. I gett alongg withh justt aboutt everyyonee. I dont likee to showw myy emotionss. I use dancee as a wayy to exspress how i feel.I lovee to be in thee stoplightt, and i lovee to entertain people, and preformm. Whenn im on staagee dancing and the lightt is shinging im my eyes and there is hundereds of people watching me, its the best feeling in the worlld. I feel likee its where i belongg. Im soo overr the "he siadd shee saidd stuff". Peoplee just need to grow up andd stop worryingg about everyonee eless lifee and startt focusing on there ownn. I am very randomm. I lovee to goo to partiess. I dontt really like to be at homee. I takee my i podd everywhere with mee. Imm always listening to musicc. I jokee aroundd a lott. Im alwayss laughingg. I dontt get madd easilyy. My dreamm is to move to L.A., attenendd CalArts forr college, andd see my namee in lightts. Andd i would say dont forget the name "TAYLOR CROSTA" but there is no wayy your gonna. :>I lovee too havee fuuun. Im easyy to talkk to, buut can be hardd to understandd. I lovee to tryy neww thinggs && I pretty muchh live like there's no tomarrow. I believee in Karma, what comes aroundd goess aroundd. So expect the unexpected, because life can change like the flip of a switch tomorrow is never guaranteed. live your life to the fullest. love is a like a rollercoaster it has its ups and downs, thrills and chills. but in the end, your glad you did it. even if it made you happy, sad, or mad. don’t regret anything you’ve done, because at one point, it was exactly what you wanted. Im content with life, I like being me.
Im Taylor Crosta,
Im not just any girl.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." -Akeelah and the Bee