I am a person who likes to live life on the edge. "The material of the body of a living thing, is organized matter." This song that you here playing is basically my life so that sums that up.lol Also remember everybody in life don"t have to like you, as long as you have the right person liking you, that's all that matters. I'm a person who likes to be celebrated not tolerated....I hang around people who are visionaries....people who know where they are headed in life,people who don't wait on other to validate them or comfirm them and know who they are.. DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE? If you had to think about it, YOU DON'T! LOL
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Lord and savoir JESUS CHRIST!!!! Also a very special man in my life Bishop Gentle Glen Murhpy. He has been such a inspiration and a blessing in my life along with his Wife Lady Ruthie Murphy. Because of "a" Spoken word over my life, I am standing here today with the VICTORY!!!!!!!!