Amangher PuraLipang
"Este demonio de ocho brazos, nace en la mente, tal vez un poco perturbada, o quizás en el deseo de profundizar los sonidos que nuestras cabezas transmiten, aquellos que oÃmos al caminar, al vagar, o simplemente cuando estamos en la somnolencia de un profundo sueño, dos almas conformamos la poesÃa mágica del sonar, con un carácter definido, y aveces tan improviso que nisiquiera nosotros sabemos como y cuando llegamos a ser parte de.
Amangher PuraLipang es una mezcla de sonido de todos los lugares y todas la vivencias, y con letras ficticio/real que conforman, para nosotros, la armonÃa perfecta, entre la tierra caliente y el aire frÃo, del cielo al infierno, con compañÃas sonoras que nos dedican los gnomos y las hadas, seres mÃsticos que nos llevan a volar lejos, con un efecto visual que nos finaliza." JoanJack.Amangher PuraLipang, lo conforman JoanJack y Rod-Huch, ambos chilenos.
Sin ser expertos en la musica, intentamos crear un sonido que nos identifique, ideando un ritmo simple, pero tratando de mantener una composicion propia.-----------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------This demon of eight arms, is born in the mind, perhaps a little disturbed, or in desire to perhaps deepen the sounds that our heads transmit, those that we heard when walking, when vagar, or simply when we are in the somnolencia of a deep dream, two souls we conformed the magical poetry of the sound, with a defined character, and you accustom so unexpected that not even we know like and when we got to be part of. Amangher PuraLipang is a mixture of sound of all the places and all the experiences, and with letters fiction/real that conform, for us, the perfect harmony, between the hot Earth and the cold air, of the sky to hell, with sonorous companies that dedicate to the gnomos and the fairies to us, mystical beings that take to us to fly far, with a visual effect that finalizes to us." JoanJack. Amangher PuraLipang, conforms JoanJack and Rod-Huch, both Chileans. Without being expert in music, we tried to create a sound that it identifies to us, devising a simple rate, but trying to maintain a composition own.