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Reggae, reggae, reggae, acoustic, RnB, ska, Big Mountain, Burnin' Culture, Bob Marley, Aswad, UB40, Chaka Demus and Pliers, Wayne Wonder, Usher Raymund, Maria Mena, ALicia Keys, Counting Crows Mr. JOnes, Twista, tracy chapman, Norah Jones, NAtasha Bedingfield,Texas, Jack Johnson....
The Prince and Me, Blue Crush, Cruel Intentions, Fast and the Furious 1-2, Last Samurai, Clueless, Drunken Master, Stepmom, Romeo & JUliet, 10 Things I Hate About You, Walk 2 Remember, Hotchick...
Fashion TV, MTV, Myx, ETC, Will and Grace, Smallville, sex n d ct...spongebob squarepants, Simple Life, Queer EYe