Bruce profile picture


Never give an Irishman good cause for revenge!

About Me

I live by myself in a nice apartment. I work full time and go to school part time. My goal is to find a job in software development or web development after I graduate. So, yes I am a bit af a nerd but I still like to party. I also LOVE music. The groups that I have listed are just a very small sample of what I listen to.

My Interests

Dancing, Music, Movies, Books, Computers, Video Games, Shooting, Bike Riding, Electronics, High Tech Gadgets, Irish Heritage


30 Seconds To Mars, Tricky, Massive Attack, Portishead, Crystal Method, Depeche Mode, Deftones, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Weezer, Incubus, Korn, Jay-Z, N.E.R.D., Nine Inch Nails, The Legion Of Doom, Otis Redding, Perfect Circle, Taking Back Sunday, Tool, Pink Floyd, My Chemical Romance, U2, Evans Blue, Killswitch Engage, Finch, Hurt


Boondock Saints, Braveheart, Casablanca, Star Wars, Godfather, Indana Jones, Seven, Evil Dead, Sin City, Tombstone, Batman Returns, Unbreakable, Gladiator, Hard Boiled, The Killer, Backdraft, 300


Lost, Smallville, 24, Stargate, Prison Break, Nip/Tuck, Prison Break, Supernatural, Deadliest Catch, Mythbusters, Reaper,


Dark Tower Series, Dean Koontz, Clive Cussler, Stephen King, Brian Lumley, Harry Potter Series, Dresden Files


Batman (You don't need super powers to save the world)